Monday Mindset: Dont Let the Fear Wolf Rule Your Life

Trigger Warning:
This article is not for the faint of heart. This session dives deep into confronting your deepest fears and obliterating self-doubt. Inspired by a relentless Navy SEAL mentality, expect no sugarcoating—just raw, unfiltered truth. We will tackle fear head-on, using intense language and hard-hitting tactics designed to break you down and build you back stronger.

If you’re easily unsettled by tough talk and a brutal push beyond your comfort zone, consider this your heads-up. This isn’t about comfort; it’s about conquering the fear wolf within and unleashing your inner warrior. Prepare yourself.

Monday Mindset: Dont Let the Fear Wolf Rule Your Life

Some of you are sitting on the sidelines and watching others enjoy success.

The winners are setting goals and have a plan in order to cross the finish line.

The losers are scared to write down their goals as they may fail and be embarrassed.

You are letting your fears get in the way.

You are scared that you may look bad. Or that you may fail.

That is the negative fear wolf whispering in your ear.

That is your brain trying to protect your body.

I have been there many times myself.

My dream goal was to go to BUDS and become a US Navy SEAL.

The fear wolf whispered to me “You will fail at BUDS just like 80% of the quitters”

I stared directly at the fear wolf and told him to just watch me.

I went out and did the hard work and finished the drill.

My goal was to start my own coaching business.

The fear wolf whispered to me “Your business will fail just like 80% of the others”.

I proved the fear wolf wrong with hard work and discipline.

For the past 14 years I have built my coaching business and worked alongside some of the very best in the business.

F#ck You Fear Wolf!

I wanted to start a family.

The fear wolf whispered to me “Your children will not be healthy and your marriage will fail”.

I did the hard work and stood up to be a leader in my family.

My wife and I have been married for 29 years and despite major health issues our family is healthier than ever.

Dont let the fear wolf over-ride your dreams.

Your goals and your why must be strong and drive the wolf away.

Pick up a spear and a flaming log and chase that wolf back into the woods.

You have to take control.

Are you ready to supercharge your life?

Step out of the ordinary and do something different?

Join me in the SGPT June 2024 Challenge and I will show you how to completely change your life for the better.

SGPT Endurance to Find Your Why June Challenge 

I am pouring everything I have into this course and guarantee I can help you improve 1%

About the Author:

Are you looking to achieve huge goals?

Do you have a big event on the horizon and you want to finish the drill?

Wanting to complete a Spartan, GORUCK, Tough Mudder or SEALFIT 20X Challenge?

Are you ready to push forward and kick @ss in life, business and family?

Get individual coaching from former Navy SEAL Coach Brad McLeod. Check out SGPT coaching here:

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