Monday Mindset: You Will Not Outwork Me!

Every Monday presents a new opportunity to recommit to your goals, to redefine your limits, and to reignite the fire within. This Monday mindset isn’t just about starting the week strong; it’s about maintaining an unyielding resolve throughout every challenge. Lets tap into the spirit of our inner warrior as we dive into the mindset that will ensure no one outworks you.


Navy SEAL David Goggins, known for his relentless dedication and indomitable spirit, often speaks about the importance of embracing the grind. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain. The grind is what separates the good from the great. It’s what transforms ordinary people into extraordinary warriors.

When you wake up on a Monday morning, don’t just think about the tasks ahead. Think about the grind. Accept that it’s going to be tough. Accept that you’re going to be tested. And accept that you will not be outworked. The grind is not a punishment; it’s a privilege. It’s an opportunity to prove to yourself and the world that you have what it takes.

I remember sitting on the beach after a tough week at BUD/S Navy SEAL training. Senior Chief Bravo was speaking to our group as we sat soaking wet on the sand. He barked to the group “What do you think Russian Spetsnaz is doing right now? How do you think that they are training? They are training their @sses off in shitty conditions. You have to make sure that you outwork them every day.”


Jocko Willink, a retired Navy SEAL officer and leadership guru, preaches the mantra: “Discipline Equals Freedom.” This concept is simple yet profound. The discipline to wake up early, the discipline to stick to your workout regimen, the discipline to stay focused on your goals – this is what ultimately leads to freedom. Freedom from laziness, freedom from doubt, freedom from failure.

On this Monday, and every Monday after, commit to discipline. Make a plan and stick to it. When your alarm goes off at 4:30 AM, get up. When it’s time to hit the gym, go hard. When you’re faced with a challenging project, tackle it head-on. Discipline is the foundation of the mindset that refuses to be outworked.


David Goggins often talks about the concept of “callousing your mind.” Just as your hands develop calluses to withstand physical labor, your mind must develop calluses to withstand the mental challenges life throws at you. This means pushing through discomfort, facing your fears, and constantly challenging yourself to do better.

To adopt this mindset, start by setting difficult goals. Push yourself to the point of failure and then push a little further. Every time you do this, you’re building mental toughness. You’re making it harder for anyone to outwork you because your mind is calloused and ready for anything.


Jocko Willink emphasizes the importance of taking ownership. This means accepting responsibility for your actions and your outcomes. It means no excuses, no blaming others, just pure accountability.

On this Monday, take ownership of your journey. If you didn’t achieve your goals last week, don’t make excuses. Analyze what went wrong, learn from it, and do better this week. Own your mistakes and your successes. This mindset will not only make you unstoppable but will also earn you respect and trust from those around you.


One of the most powerful lessons from Navy SEAL training is to “embrace the suck.” This means accepting and even welcoming the difficult, uncomfortable, and painful parts of the journey. It’s in these moments that you grow the most.

When you’re up against a tough workout, a grueling workday, or an exhausting personal challenge, remember to embrace the suck. Know that this is where the real growth happens. This is where you prove to yourself and everyone else that you will not be outworked.


David Goggins and Jocko Willink both embody the principle of never settling. No matter how much they achieve, they always strive for more. They never rest on their laurels. This Monday, adopt the same mindset. Never settle for mediocrity. Always aim higher, push harder, and strive to be the best version of yourself.


Yes; this is meant to be a mindset as every single day you will not outwork all 8 billion people on the planet.  But if you are training for Special Forces or Navy SEALs – dont workout in a globo gym with air conditioning and say that you are outworking anyone.  Russian Spetsnaz is blowing vodka out their noses laughing at any American youth claiming that they are outworking them in their shitty working conditions.  Be reality based and eat a slice of humble pie. If you really want to do work like the Special Forces – put on a ruck sack and go hike 12 miles in the mountains while its raining.


As you kick off this Monday, remember that the mindset of “You will not outwork me” is more than just a slogan; it’s a way of life. It’s about embracing the grind, practicing discipline, callousing your mind, taking ownership, embracing the suck, and never settling. Channel the spirit of your inner warrior, and make this Monday – and every day – a testament to your unbreakable will and relentless work ethic. You will not be outworked.


Brad McLeod went through Navy SEAL training Hell Week twice after training all the wrong ways. A year later he went back and finished the drill.

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