Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Featured image for “Protected: Workout 10-24-16”

Protected: Workout 10-24-16

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Featured image for “Protected: Workout – 10-23-16”

Protected: Workout – 10-23-16

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Protected: Workout 10-22-16

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.... Read More
Featured image for “5 Craziest Military Training Ever”

5 Craziest Military Training Ever

Drinking cobra blood? What the hell? Eating shriveled jungle grub worms? Smashing concrete blocks with your head? Getting shot with a pistol from short range distance with a amoured vest on? Check out this crazy whacko video of military troops in action Are you crazy enough to perform any of those awful things? What kind of... Read More
Featured image for “#1 Tip on How to Make Today Matter (and Get $hit Done)”

#1 Tip on How to Make Today Matter (and Get $hit Done)

I am the first to admit that there was a time in my life when I was drifting. I did not know how to finish a race – or even how to get started I did not know what I wanted to do with my life and was headed nowhere quick. You see… if you... Read More
Featured image for “Top 10 Most Brutal Military Training in the World”

Top 10 Most Brutal Military Training in the World

Is this for real or is it a joke? Do you think you could make it through one of these torture fest? Crawling across rock and coral? Obstacle courses with live gun fire? You will not believe #2. Check out the video below. Are you in shape and looking for a Challenge? Do you like... Read More
Featured image for “Question of the week: “How can I build up my core and get six pack abs?””

Question of the week: “How can I build up my core and get six pack abs?”

If you are reading this email you are a go-getter. A self starter. A guy who gets $#%& done. You are not a slacker. You are not a loser. You move away from negative people. So when I answer questions like “”How can I build up my core and get six pack abs?” I know... Read More
Featured image for “World’s Most Feared Sniper Rifle”

World’s Most Feared Sniper Rifle

Check out the latest bad ass weapon being offered up for top snipers to take a crack at. This rifle is deadly accurate and you would not want to be on the receiving end of this precision blaster. TrackingPoint uses the same lock-and-launch technology found in military fighter jets in its Precision-Guided Firearms. With a... Read More
Featured image for “Can a 50 cal rifle stop a truck?”

Can a 50 cal rifle stop a truck?

How quick do you think it will take to stop this truck with a 50 cal rifle? 1 shot? 2 shots? 3 shots? Check out this video Grab Your Buddies and Sign Up for a GORUCK Challenge HERE: Do you want to build a body like a Navy SEAL? Drop fat and build lean muscle?... Read More
Featured image for “Invasion on Mosul to remove ISIS daesh”

Invasion on Mosul to remove ISIS daesh

US and Iraqi forces and in the last stretch of details to prepare to drive ISIS from Mosul. You can see in the video several US Special Forces (faces blurred) assisting fighters against ISIS. The Prime Minister says that only Iraqi army and National Police will enter Mosul “and no others”. Grab Your Buddies and... Read More
Featured image for “Stepping Lightly: Unveiling the Belleville Mini-Mil 8 Minimalist Boot”

Stepping Lightly: Unveiling the Belleville Mini-Mil 8 Minimalist Boot

Attention, fitness enthusiasts and tactical pros! Get ready to lace up into the next-gen Belleville Mini-Mil 8 Minimalist Boot – the game-changer you’ve been waiting for. This lightweight, no-nonsense footwear isn’t just a boot; it’s a performance powerhouse tailored for the demands of functional fitness athletes, military personnel, and tactical athletes alike. Designed for those... Read More
Featured image for “Military vs Somali pirates”

Military vs Somali pirates

The European Union (EU Navy) Forces are working together against piracy of the coast of Somalia for the last decade. Over 200 hostages captured by pirates have been rescued against these bad guys. Check out the good guys getting the edge against the pirates. 2 Snipers vs 38 Somali Pirates in the deadliest war This... Read More
Featured image for “ISIS dash terrorist cannot outrun fast lead”

ISIS dash terrorist cannot outrun fast lead

Check out the miles of ISIS daesh terrorist convoys traveling across the desert. But they cannot outrun a helicopter with heavy weapons. Watch as these dirt bags get zeroed in on and then plucked one by one. The helicopter zooms down so close you can see their dirt bag faces. The Dolce Whey at!... Read More
Featured image for “Palestinian terrorist attacks Israeli soldier with knife”

Palestinian terrorist attacks Israeli soldier with knife

Check out this Palestinian terrorist asking for directions to an Israeli soldier – then pulls out a knife Check out what happens next… What would you do in this situation? Could you handle this with your street grappling skills? The Dolce Whey at! Do you want to build a body like a Navy SEAL?... Read More
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"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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