Tips to Train for and Survive RASP—Ranger Assessment Selection Program

RASP stands for the 8 week Ranger Assessment and Selection Program at Ft. Benning, Georgia. It goes without saying that you will have to train hard to get into the Army Ranger program. You can’t just jump off the couch and expect to get selected.

Train your body

You will need to get your body in excellent physical shape before starting Ranger school.

Training to increase your reps in pushups, pull-ups, sit-ups and squats are the corner stones you will need. Increasing your distance with running and rucking (carrying a weighted backpack) are also part of this equation.

Ranger Training Workout #1

Ruck 2 miles with 20 lbs minimum
5 rounds for time of
10 pushups
15 air squats
20 situps
Ruck 2 miles back to base
*Advanced athletes can up mileage and add weight to backpack and do 10 rounds of calisthenics.
post time in comments below

In training and on operations you may carry up to 100 lbs of gear. Each week when you train, slowly add more weight to your load so that your body will get stronger and build endurance. Don’t add too much weight too quick or your body will be hurting.

Question: What is a good book I can read to help show me good workouts? Check out the book Ranger Athlete Warrior 4.0: The Complete Guide to Army Ranger Fitness.

If you do all (every one of them cover to cover) of the workouts in this book you will be on track to get ready for enlistment.

But that still does not guarantee you will graduate as you will have to not quit – and pass the land navigation course.

Train your mind

Ranger school is more than just being a physical stud. You have to have a mind and body that will not quit. Being smart and quick to pick up skills is important as you will be tested during the land navigation course.

Being cold wet hungry and tired will test your resolve and make you want to throw in the towel. Train yourself now to learn how to suffer and embrace the suck. Do a GORUCK event or long Spartan Race with your buddies.

Challenge yourself to a half marathon trail race and do the SEALFIT 20X Challenge. Warrior Dash, Tough Mudder and Bone Frog are other great events to do. If you don’t have the money then get your buddies and do your own race for fun.

Rest up and do it all again. The more long endurance events that you do that require you to think and move on the run—will help you go the distance.

Question: What is a good book about training and real life in Battalion?

Check out this book American Warrior: The True Story of a Legendary Ranger.

You will get a good inside glimpse of what is takes to train hard and live the Creed.

Question: Do you have boots you recommend for RASP?

Rocky S2V Boots—an awesome boot that breaks in quickly, provides solid ankle support, durable and doesn’t slip. The Rocky S2v Boot is a great boot for all phases.

These boots are popular for a reason.

The Nike Special Field Boot were relatively popular, mostly during RAP week and during Florida Phase. The Nike boots excel during RAP week because they’re light, comfortable and because there is no patrolling during RAP week.

The Nike Special Field Boot shine during Florida phase because they dry quickly and absorb less water than most other boots. I didn’t see many Nike boots in Mountain Phase because they don’t hold up well in rough terrain. You’re practically guaranteed to start ripping the sole off if you use them in Darby or Mountain phase. If you want to use them, make sure to bring Shoe Goo to fix holes and tears.

RASP Tips from Tango CharlieĀ (alias name for protection)

Rasp is an assessment and selection process. The cadre can not assess and ultimately select you if you quit. Plain and simple.

2) Make it to the weekend
You get weekends off each week. No matter how hard the training is during the week, just know that you have 2 days to recover at the end of each week. Make it to Friday 8 times and you’ve graduated.

3) Make it to the next meal
Just like making it to Friday is the big goal, making it to the next meal is the small goal. You will eat 3x per day. That’s 4-5 hours between meals…tops. Break down your day into breakfast, lunch, and dinner and the time flies.

4) Learn the Ranger Creed
The Ranger Creed is our bloodline. This is who we are, and where we have come from.

During Rasp, before each meal, you will have to recite the Ranger Creed as a class.

6 students are randomly picked to recite each stanza and then the group follows. If the creed is flawless you have an easy day.

I promise you that the whole class will pay dearly if even one person f#@%s up saying the Ranger Creed.

Check it out in this handbook U.S. Army Ranger Handbook SH21-76. Learn it and begin to live it.

5) Did I mention… DON’T QUIT!!!!
If you quit in Rasp, you’re a p#$%& and the Regiment doesn’t want you anyway. Don’t quit and get along with your peers and you will graduate. It is only 8 weeks of your life. Remember…everything will end eventually, but just don’t quit!

Question: What boots did you wear to train for RASP and Ranger training?

Answer: I just wore my standard issue Belleville boots. But, I took the insoles out during basic training to help toughen up my feet. Never put them back in and never had any foot issues.

Question: How long is RASP training and what can I do to prepare for all of this?

Answer: Check out the tips above and post any questions in the comments below and we will help you.

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