Preparing for the Corona Virus – How a Navy SEAL Gets Ready – Self Quarantine?

How to Prepare for possible 14 – 28 day self Quarantine from the Corona Virus COVID-19

As the Corona COVID-19 spreads across the country and the world, here’s how a former Navy SEAL preparing for the Virus.

First step I am taking is not panicking, that’s the last thing people need to do in a time like this. The next step is we are treating this like a normal flu season. Wash hands! Not touching things in public places like handrails etc. Wiping down things with sanitary wipes before we eat. Keeping anti bacterial soaps, lotions and sprays on hand. Basic things that we can do to stop the spread of germs. Really just be neurotic about cleanliness.

At home washing dishes well with hot water, using Lysol Spray in high germ areas. Keeping the bathroom extra clean as well as the kitchen. I just think back to when I was a kid and my mom was always nagging me to wash my hands, not to touch my face and wash my hands again.

Next is prepping for the worst case scenario. In this case it’s really just avoiding public areas with lots of people. We have 30 days of food in freezers and the pantry. Of course toilet paper and paper towels. The big thing with this type of pandemic is to really limit the time you have to spend at grocery stores, restaurants, large gatherings of people. I’m personally not flying right now either, but i prefer to drive most cases so I can keep my EDC kit on hand.

I would highly suggest not going to a public gym right now. Train at home. Use nature, get outside and breathe fresh air.

Here’s a great podcast from Joe Rogan and Michael Osterholm

How Serious is the Coronavirus? Infectious Disease

Expert Michael Osterholm Explains | Joe Rogan

If you want some really good up to date info, this article has a lot of the stats, not going to share them in this article.  If you want more statistics click HERE!

Here’s what I am doing. I’m getting outside and keeping up with my daily fitness routine. It’s a proven science that being healthy and staying in shape boosts your immune system. Right now i’m using my SGPT 365 Total Training System and following my 90 Day Nutrition Guide. It’s a great program that is easy to follow and keeps me in peak mental and physical shape. Ready to be an asset in the time of need. Click the image below for more information.

Check out all my training plans at 

Beginners looking to get into shape and who want a workout that easily completed at home with very minimal equipment check out our LTS System.

Just to recap the key points:

Wash your HANDS!

Avoid Public Gatherings: Sporting Events, Concerts, Festivals, Conferences etc.

Have 30 Days of Food and Necessities stocked up just in case you have to self quarantine.

Keep an eye on the news but don’t obsess over it.

Use common sense and don’t be a liability to yourself or your loved ones.


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