Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Featured image for “Navy SEAL Sandbag Training Workouts”

Navy SEAL Sandbag Training Workouts

Navy SEALs spend most of their careers deployed to the deepest darkest and least desirable places on the planet. This means the conditions are not very hospitable and in most cases they don’t have access to a more traditional training facility. A deployed Navy SEAL needs to create workouts and training programs that are functional... Read More
Featured image for “5 MORE Killer Push-Up Variations to Upgrade Your Fitness”

5 MORE Killer Push-Up Variations to Upgrade Your Fitness

By Brandon Richey I got so much awesome feedback on my first article—5 Killer Push-Up Variations to Upgrade Your Functional Fitness—I’m writing a follow-up one with another 5 of my favorite push-up variations. I’m sure you can agree that the push-up is one of the most powerful movements you can do to benefit your fitness... Read More
Featured image for “5 Grip-Strengthening Tactics to Help You Smash Your Big Lifts”

5 Grip-Strengthening Tactics to Help You Smash Your Big Lifts

By Brandon Richey A lack of grip strength can be a killer to your strength gains. As the old saying goes, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Over my 17+ years of coaching I’ve found that grip strength is usually the weakest link in a student’s strength training. You can have... Read More
Featured image for “TNGA 2018 – Confessions from a Backwoods Florida Rider”

TNGA 2018 – Confessions from a Backwoods Florida Rider

TNGA 2018 TOUGH PROMISES This year’s race turned out to be just as tough as every year. There is really no where to hide on this course. It slowly began to take it toll and even have an impact on multiple veteran racers. It rained every day (or at least heavy mist and 100% humidity)... Read More
Featured image for “4 Must-Have Kettlebell Drills”

4 Must-Have Kettlebell Drills

By Brandon Richey As a coach, I often come across students who have never touched or considered using a kettlebell in their training program. But what I’ve found, is kettlebells are the perfect tools for generating results the student has sometimes been unable to grasp for weeks, if not months. Plus, if you’re someone who... Read More
Featured image for “A Navy SEAL’s Guide to Training For BUD/S First Phase”

A Navy SEAL’s Guide to Training For BUD/S First Phase

Got this question: Coach, I’m training to be a SEAL, should I do a Hell Week style selection event? Answer: Here’s the deal with this. The guys who are going to make it through BUD/s First Phase are going to make it… Period. What those events can do for you are: 1. Find your weaknesses... Read More
Featured image for “Fred Rogers: Not Your Marine Sniper or Navy SEAL Neighbor”

Fred Rogers: Not Your Marine Sniper or Navy SEAL Neighbor

Every once in awhile, the meme appears on Facebook or in a mass-forwarded email: Prior to his career in the long-running PBS show, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, Fred Rogers was a highly-decorated sniper in the US Marines. Recently, the rumor of his previous career as a trained killer has surfaced in the form that Rogers served... Read More
Featured image for “5 Ways You’re Butchering Your Push-Ups”

5 Ways You’re Butchering Your Push-Ups

By Brandon Richey If you are struggling with your push-ups then there’s a chance you could be butchering the movement without even realizing it. In my 17 year career of being a strength coach I have evaluated hundreds of people and the push-up exercise is always a movement that stands out because so many people... Read More
Featured image for “Welcome to the Underwater Thunderdome: Torpedo”

Welcome to the Underwater Thunderdome: Torpedo

Two teams enter, one team leaves—victoriously, that is, as this Marine Raider-created sport isn’t one played to the death, though it can be just as cutthroat as any game found it in a Mad Max movie. With its roots in water polo and underwater football, the game’s original design was to create a training tool... Read More
Featured image for “TNGA 2017 Notes Confessions from a Backwoods Florida Rider”

TNGA 2017 Notes Confessions from a Backwoods Florida Rider

Photo: Starting off the TNGA race on the South Carolina/Georgia border with Ryan Kota and Ray Egan (Cycling Sasquatch). The Trans North Georgia (TNGA) off road bike race is 350 miles with about 50,000 feet of climbing. It starts at the South Carolina line and traverse the mountains of north Georgia through gravel roads, single... Read More
Featured image for “The Dangers of Over-Hydration: 5 Tips to Prevent It”

The Dangers of Over-Hydration: 5 Tips to Prevent It

Over-hydration (“hyponatremia”, also sometimes called “water intoxication” or “water poisoning”) is not something you hear or read about very often. However, it can be just as fatal as dehydration. Usually, what we read about during the hot summer months is heat stroke. This can lead to the assumption the way to combat both is drink... Read More
Featured image for “Using Hybrid Training for More Balanced and Enhanced Fitness”

Using Hybrid Training for More Balanced and Enhanced Fitness

Hybrid training is the concept that sports and activities demand a peak emphasis of both strength and endurance, and that training one will also enhance the other. This is something many athletes (and coaches) either ignore or forget, creating a loss of performance and momentum to reach training goals. Instead, many athletes (and coaches) think... Read More
Featured image for “David Goggins: “You Have to Suffer to Grow.””

David Goggins: “You Have to Suffer to Grow.”

Check out this great video in which David Goggins talks about what he feels is the biggest hindrance to being able to grow. While suffering is key, it’s how you choose to use it to your advantage that matters. As you watch the video, ask yourself if you’re willing to follow his suggestions. If you... Read More
Featured image for “Top 4 Strength Training Elements the Average Gym-Goer is Missing”

Top 4 Strength Training Elements the Average Gym-Goer is Missing

I would say that the average gym goer is missing quite a few things in general when it comes to building muscle and strength. Regardless of your goals, strength is at the foundation of everything. If your goal is to build a lot of strength then you need a baseline of strength in order to... Read More
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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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