Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Protected: Ace hero workout

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Protected: Special Forces swim workout #3

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Protected: Severin hero workout

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Featured image for “How to Pass a Special Forces Test”

How to Pass a Special Forces Test

So, you are looking to enter into the Special Forces (Navy SEAL, Marine Force Recons, Air Force PJ’s, Green Berets, Rangers) and beginning to train. Check out these tips on how to pass your entrance test so that you can be selected to join the Special Forces. It goes without saying but the PST test... Read More

Filthy Fifty wod 9-29-14

Filthy Fifty – WOD wrist stretch – 10 each way wrist rotations – 10 each way Arm circles 10 each way Press, press, fling – 10 Up, back and overs – 10 Shoulder pass throughs – 10 Hip swivel kicks (forward) – 15 each leg Hip swivel kicks (side) – 15 each leg Jumping jacks... Read More
Featured image for “3 Benefits of a Tech-Free Workout”

3 Benefits of a Tech-Free Workout

Check out these 3 Benefits of a Tech Free Workout. 1) BECOME MORE RESILIENT There’s a notion among athletes now that if you don’t record a workout, it doesn’t count. There are even social media hashtags, like #stravafail, dedicated to the perceived problem of doing a session without tracking it. We’ve got to be more... Read More

Protected: Tire flip workout

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Featured image for “Jarie Bolander’s Kokoro Experience”

Jarie Bolander’s Kokoro Experience

A Guest Post by Jarie Bolander A lot of amateur athletes struggle with whether or not to hire a coach. I was no different until I decided to attempt SEALFIT’s Kokoro Camp. Kokoro Camp is a 48+ hour team endurance event that is designed to “Meet Yourself for the First Time”. It’s run by a... Read More
Featured image for “It All Starts With the Mind”

It All Starts With the Mind

Arnold Schwarzenegger. You may love him or not care for him too much. That is not the point. Whether you like him or not – No one can argue his success in three fields. Bodybuilding, Hollywood and his service to the State of California (Governator). How did he conquer all 3 and rise to the top?... Read More
Featured image for “The Top 10 Training Tips for The 20X Challenge”

The Top 10 Training Tips for The 20X Challenge

by Zach Even – Esh Author, The Encyclopedia of Underground Strength & Conditioning Successfully completing The 20X Challenge is going to require some specific preparation to ensure that you are not just physically prepare but also mentally prepared. After going through the first ever 20X Challenge I have been asked many times what it takes... Read More

How Hard is it to become a Navy SEAL?

We get this question about every two weeks. “Coach, how hard is it really to become a Navy SEAL?” Well.. let me put it in perspective for you. About 1 in 10 young males growing up proclaim they want to be a Navy SEAL. Probably more – we all dream of doing something fun and... Read More
Featured image for “What Drives You?”

What Drives You?

An easy question to ask yourself. But most people never ever ask themselves “What Drives Me?” What are the situations where I thrive? When and why do I push myself to new and higher levels. Only when you begin to ask yourself that question to you really start to find a new you. “The unexamined... Read More
Featured image for “Navy SEAL Training is 80% Mental — WTF?”

Navy SEAL Training is 80% Mental — WTF?

Most people don’t believe it when you tell them that Navy SEAL training is mostly mental. But you can poll every single Navy SEAL that has ever lived and they will all tell you the same. That SEAL training is 80% mental and 20% physical. For me — I would say that number is more... Read More

Persistence can be Learned

Many of us give up too soon and quit. What if Thomas Edison would have stopped his quest on number 11,256 and not kept going? Instead he tried one more time. Many times we get down in our day to day grind. We think that there is not a real solution and fade out. Look... Read More
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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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