Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Power to Change Your Life

What if you could dream and become anything you want in life? Travel to any place. Become what you want to be. Have financial freedom. Volunteer and help others? You put it in your mind and it becomes so? What is holding you back today? The power to change your life for the better resides... Read More
Featured image for “SEALgrinderPT 4-18-13”

SEALgrinderPT 4-18-13

Special Forces swim workout #4 mobility wod warmup wrist stretch – 10 each way wrist rotations – 10 each way Arm circles 10 each way Press, press, fling – 10 Up, back and overs – 10 Shoulder pass throughs with pole – 10 Hip swivel kicks forward – 15 each leg hip swivel kicks side... Read More

Hard Work Pays

You cannot argue against this point. You can try – You can make excuses – You can say that works in theory. But you and I both know that all over this planet there is a group of people (lets call them the 1%) that are working harder than you every single day. Maybe YOU... Read More

Protected: Long card workout

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Featured image for “Why Do Athletes Quit?”

Why Do Athletes Quit?

I have seen my share of quitting. Going through BUD/S twice and spending 10 1/2 months there I saw hundreds of guys quit. It is not fun to see. Once proud men hanging their head and shoulders low and their dreams vanishing. Poof. Visions of becoming a Champion but to only be denied. Fast forward... Read More
Featured image for “SEALgrinderPT 4-5-13”

SEALgrinderPT 4-5-13

Special Forces swim workout #3 first do 30 minutes of Navy SEAL grinder PT wrist stretch – 10 each way wrist rotations – 10 each way Arm circles 10 each way Press, press, fling – 10 Up, back and overs – 10 Shoulder pass throughs with pole – 10 Hip swivel kicks forward – 15... Read More
Featured image for “SEALgrinderPT 4-2-13”

SEALgrinderPT 4-2-13

McCluskey – WOD wrist stretch – 10 each way wrist rotations – 10 each way Arm circles 10 each way Press, press, fling – 10 Up, back and overs – 10 Shoulder pass throughs – 10 Hip swivel kicks (forward) – 15 each leg Hip swivel kicks (side) – 15 each leg Jumping jacks 25... Read More

Protected: Short Card workout

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Primal Burn Review

Primal Burn Review “In truth, the key to eliminating fat from your body lies in controlling your hormones by using specific foods at specific times and limiting your exercise. Actually, the most important tip to getting a strong, sexy, healthy body is getting more rest.” Ken Burge, author Primal Burn Read more about Releases... Read More

Kokoro Tips to Survive the First Hour

Kokoro is an all out 50 hour physical and mental challenge patterned after the Navy SEAL’s Hell Week. The training is so intense and spot on – that 95% of those that have completed Kokoro – have gone on to BUD/S (SEAL training) and graduated.  The average drop rate at BUD/S is 80% with only... Read More
Featured image for “Protected: SGPT swim workout #2”

Protected: SGPT swim workout #2

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.... Read More

SEALgrinderPT 2-4-13

Swim sprint + walking lunge workout first do 30 minutes of Navy SEAL grinder PT wrist stretch – 10 each way wrist rotations – 10 each way Arm circles 10 each way Press, press, fling – 10 Up, back and overs – 10 Shoulder pass throughs with pole – 10 Hip swivel kicks forward – 15... Read More

CrossFit Substitution Exercises

What are substitution exercises that you can do for CrossFit movements? Common substitution exercises in CrossFit are versatile and designed to accommodate various skill levels, equipment availability, and individual needs. These substitutions can help athletes continue their workouts while making adjustments for specific circumstances. Here are some common substitution exercises in CrossFit: Push-Ups: Substitute for... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews Spartan Race competitor Joe Lazauskas”

SGPT Interviews Spartan Race competitor Joe Lazauskas

SGPT: Tell us about yourself? JL: I’m 40 years old, I live in Northern New Jersey with my wife and a four y/o cat named Chloe. I grew up in NYC, and I still commute daily to my job in the Financial District. SGPT: Did you have an athletic background growing up? JL: I grew... Read More
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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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