Archive: MINDSET

Featured image for “10 Tips to Break Through Training Plateaus”

10 Tips to Break Through Training Plateaus

It happens to every athlete. You’re breaking personal record after personal record in the gym and then you get in a rut and are stuck at the same spot and can’t make improvements. What do you need to do to break through a training plateau? Here are a few ideas to help you off that table... Read More

Self-Compassion Is The Highest Form Of Mental Toughness

Mental toughness, in the athletic world, is generally defined as perseverance despite  challenges and obstacles.  It’s recognizing that the negative self-talk our minds spew at us are really just lies.  Or, at least, misinformation. So when I say that mental toughness also means self-compassion, it means giving yourself a break.  It means allowing yourself fragility.... Read More
Featured image for “5 Tips to Master Your Mind”

5 Tips to Master Your Mind

By Ryan Munsey I’m a “biohacker”. Hacker = someone who seizes control of a system Biology = the physiology, quality, and/or behavior of an organism Biohacker = I manipulate my biology and bend nature to my will in order to optimize my mental and physical performance. In addition to being a biohacker, I’m also a... Read More
Featured image for “It Pays to be a Winner”

It Pays to be a Winner

You have seen it in todays society. All of the kids get a medal for attending or playing sports. We are tracking away from teaching a winning mentality. We applaud mediocrity as we don’t want to offend anyone. In BUDS and on the Navy SEAL teams – It always pay to be a winner. This... Read More
Featured image for “The Obstacle is the Path”

The Obstacle is the Path

 In 1923 there was a great warlord who had the most guns, gold coins and goats of his lands. He was also a very wise man as he had traveled extensively and was well read. He believed that the people of his land were in decline as their attitudes were going downhill. The warlord devised a... Read More
Featured image for “Explore Your Limits and Fears”

Explore Your Limits and Fears

It is easy to stay “comfortable”… stay inside your bubble. It is easy to try and avoid mistakes, pit falls and fears. But what happens when we explore the outer limits of our potential? Push past what others think you are capable of? Watch the video below and see how an elite athlete pushes his... Read More
Featured image for “10 Tips to Improve Mental Focus”

10 Tips to Improve Mental Focus

How many times have you said “It’s on the tip of my tongue but I can’t quite remember”? Or “I am terrible with names but I always remember a face?” Or you just lost your focus for a moment and ending up losing a chess match or important baseball game. Or you are wanting to... Read More
Featured image for “Mental Conditioning Skills in Sports”

Mental Conditioning Skills in Sports

The majority of our focus in sports today is on the physical side. We’re obsessed with how high someone can jump, how fast they run the 40-yard dash, or how much weight they can lift. But here’s the truth: Physical ability alone won’t get you to the top. What separates the elite from the average... Read More
Featured image for “What is YOUR Why?”

What is YOUR Why?

What is YOUR Why? What motivates you to do what you do? Is it to become stronger? Faster? Tougher? Or maybe it’s to prove something to yourself, to show the world what you’re capable of. That deep burning drive comes from somewhere. It’s not on the surface. It’s deeper than that. It’s in your gut.... Read More
Featured image for “Still Standing”

Still Standing

Just got back from a trip across the pond to Ireland. Met a ton of great people and took part in some epic training at Mornington Beach. The event was awesome as we did far more than the normal pushups and sit-up workouts. The event centered around building teamwork in boat crews. We heard it... Read More
Featured image for “Secrets to Success”

Secrets to Success

We all want success. No one wants to fail. We all want so bad to achieve all of our goals. See ourselves stand up on the podium. So why does success elude so many of us? Sometimes we see glimpses of success – progress. But then it fades away. We blink.. or lose focus. Check... Read More
Featured image for “Believe in Your Dream”

Believe in Your Dream

One of the cornerstones of moving forward and achieving goals is to believe in yourself. It is not only important to be confident but you must truly believe deep down that you can realize your dreams. There will be obstacles along the way. Others may not believe in you and in some cases will mock... Read More
Featured image for “Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable”

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Just got back from the 20X Challenge at CrossFit Honor in Allentown, PA. This event was inspiring as we saw many breakthroughs as athletes stepped up to the plate and pushed themselves to the next level. These athletes faced adversity, stared down fear, and walked through the wall of fire. They worked hard to get... Read More
Featured image for “Are You Committed?”

Are You Committed?

I get calls all the time. Emails. Potential athletes telling me they want to be a Navy SEAL or come to train hard and go to Kokoro. I love to help people and listen intently. Most times…. they don’t show up. They talk a big game but seem to find a way to “no show”.... Read More
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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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