Archive: MINDSET

Featured image for “How To Live Without Fear”

How To Live Without Fear

There are times in life when you fall down and you think you don’t have the strength to get up. Its hard. But deep down inside you actually do have what it takes to get back up. Your Dreams. Your Passions. Your Family. Your Friends. Those are the reasons to get back up on one... Read More

Knocking Down Walls

Team SGPT: Really fired up today. The kind of day where your feet hit the ground and your like “Hellz yeah… this day is gonna be a great day”. These are the days we are look forward to and live for. Our gym is being expanded. Knocking down walls and painting and new gear. I... Read More
Featured image for “The First Step to Improving Your Mental Game”

The First Step to Improving Your Mental Game

Team SGPT: We have had a great start to our week. Tons of forward movement as we have been getting emails in from athletes all over the world. Check this out from Josh H – who is overseas protecting others from harm: Just wanted to pop in and tell you that your emails that I... Read More

Lean Into the Week

Its Monday and I am jacked out of Mind. I just got back from New Jersey hanging out with Paulie and crew — these guys know how to push you to the next level and coach you up to bring out the best in you. Psyched! How are your Goals coming along? The ones you... Read More
Featured image for “Imagine Your Best Life”

Imagine Your Best Life

Team SGPT: This week has really been amazing. Perfect weather – getting into the gym for sessions and helping others learn and grow. I had fun typing that headline. Imagine Your Best Life. Wow. Think about that. Or do You? Do you dream daily of meeting your best self and shaking his hand? Extending my... Read More

Remember those Resolutions?

Team SGPT: Yeah; Remember those Resolutions that all your buddies were talking about early in January? I’m gonna go to the gym. I am gonna lose 10 lbs. I am gonna run a 5k. Where are your buddies now? If you hang with a good group then then have already ran that 5k, hitting the... Read More

Tips on Achieving Greatness

Tips on Achieving Greatness #1 Tips on Achieving Greatness Greatness is Inside of Everyone of US. #2 Tips on Achieving Greatness We all have the ability to become great Video – Tips on Achieving Greatness #3 Tips on Achieving Greatness Believe in Yourself no matter what #4 Tips on Achieving Greatness we all wake up... Read More
Featured image for “Finding Your Mentor (Coach)”

Finding Your Mentor (Coach)

Have you ever had someone step up to the plate and Mentor (Coach) you? It has been said that “when a student is ready…. a mentor will appear”. That sounds pretty mystical. Maybe it is. We watch and fantasize of Luke Skywalker and Yoda showing him the way of the Jedi. Is that really far... Read More
Featured image for “5 Tips to Get Mentally Strong Like a Navy SEAL”

5 Tips to Get Mentally Strong Like a Navy SEAL

What does being mentally strong mean? It means taking obstacles and making them opportunities. To get focused on what you can do in the middle of a big problem. It means not letting that problem kick you down and keep you there. It means letting yourself acknowledge things suck, but moving forward anyway. Check out... Read More

Take the Risk

What is holding you back from moving towards your Dreams? Are you scared of what others will think if you fail? Failing forward is the only way to go. Have you sabotaged yourself in the past?  Forget the past and move forward. Imagine yourself if you could achieve any Dream that you wanted? Don Shipley talks... Read More

The Value of Anything is How Much it Hurts.

Get up early. Work hard. Go to bed late. Wake up sore. Keep moving. Your goals are right around the corner. Stay strong and tow the line. “The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.” – Henry David Thoreau Check out this video on Hard Work beats Talent Are you... Read More

This is Your life and its ending one minute at a…

Making the Most of Our Limited Time In simple terms, we all have a limited time on Earth. We’re not immortal, and our lives are like a ticking clock. This means we should make an effort to be the best we can be during our time here. Let’s break it down. Throughout history, people have... Read More
Featured image for “Monday Motivational”

Monday Motivational

Monday Motivational A few tips to move you forward down the field. You have to find a Mentor – and – you have to Mentor others. You have to Push yourself. Check out this video with David Rutherford – Navy SEAL and all around guy who is living the dream. Turn this video on in... Read More
Featured image for “David Goggins Talks About Mental Toughness”

David Goggins Talks About Mental Toughness

We hear so much about winning at all cost. It pays to be a winner. Winning is everything. Don’t get me wrong. Being first place means something. But you will never get there if you quit. You have to “will” yourself to move forward when the going gets rough to get to the Win. Check... Read More
Seal Fit Stack

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with SEAL Grinder's Brad McLeod
To Achieve Your Goals

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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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