Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Day 21 of 21 SGPT Plank Challenge

Today is Day 21 of 21 for the SGPT plank challenge. Do plank on hands for max amount of time. If you cannot do the amount of time listed – then go as long as you can and mark down your time (example 60 seconds). Elite athletes can add a weight vest. Post up your... Read More

Protected: Workout 1-30-17

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Protected: Day 20 of 21 SGPT Plank challenge

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Protected: Workout 1-29-17

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Question of the Week: How do you inspire others to train with you?

On Sep 26, 2016, at 10:04 PM, sailorshore30 wrote: I have a dream of running a gym or at least working in one. I can’t afford to drive away fr om my town and we have no gym other than a small college gym that only employs work study students. I have tried to get... Read More
Featured image for “How Hard Will You Fight?”

How Hard Will You Fight?

We are all getting ready for the holidays. And then it will be time to start the New Year. It is easy to slack off during the holidays and take the easy road. How Hard Will You Fight for YOUR Dreams? Will you give up easily and slink back to the rut your in? Or... Read More

Day 18 of 21 SGPT Plank Challenge

Today is Day 18 of 21 for the SGPT plank challenge. Do plank on hands for 190 seconds. Tomorrow we will add 10 seconds. If you cannot do the amount of time listed – then go as long as you can and mark down your time (example 12 seconds). Elite athletes can add a weight... Read More

Play Full Out

i see guys out there going through the paces. they train at quarter and half speed thinking that someone is going to give them a BUDS contract or a slot on a professional baseball. this is how i trained for buds…. i trained like it was my only chance to survive dont do quarter workouts... Read More
Featured image for “Why Do Candidates Fail out of BUD/S?”

Why Do Candidates Fail out of BUD/S?

Just received this question “Coach, why do people fail out of Navy SEAL BUDS training? As one of those candidates that did fail out of BUDS the first time I figured I could answer that question with a little bit of authority. I failed out of BUDS for a math test in second phase (Dive... Read More

Protected: Workout 1-27-17

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.... Read More
Featured image for “Question of the Week: Coach, how do you stay motivated?”

Question of the Week: Coach, how do you stay motivated?

Hey Brad, Aidan Condon here. I just wanted to email you and ask who some of the most motivational people have been in your life and why? How did you stay motivated for both your country and fellow soldier while training for buds? I have used navy seal training as a hub for staying in... Read More
Featured image for “Wes Hero workout”

Wes Hero workout

Wes Hero workout For time: Run 800 meters with a 25-lb. plate (or sand bag or ruck) Then, 14 rounds of: 5 strict pull-ups 4 burpee box jumps, 24-in. box 3 cleans, 185 lb. Then, run 800 meters with a 25-lb. plate (or sand bag) If you don’t have a barbell then use a heavy... Read More

Day 17 of 21 SGPT Plank Challenge

Today is Day 17 of 21 for the SGPT plank challenge. Do plank on hands for 180 seconds. Tomorrow we will add 10 seconds. If you cannot do the amount of time listed – then go as long as you can and mark down your time (example 12 seconds). Elite athletes can add a weight... Read More

Top 10 TRX training tips and workouts

Check out the top 10 TRX training tips and workouts to help you make gains as an athlete. Question: Good day Coach Brad. First of all I really like all your post and tips you give on your website as well as on other pages. They are very useful. Especially since you know what it... Read More
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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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