Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Featured image for “Tips to Lose Fat Quickly and Keep it Off Long Term”

Tips to Lose Fat Quickly and Keep it Off Long Term

Just got this question from an SGPT athlete: Hi my name’s Joe, I’m trying to lose weight because I want to join the U.S. Army. I have a good idea of how to go about doing that but I wondered what exactly your approach would be. What are the best thing I can do to... Read More
Featured image for “Should I Be Running in Boots to Get Ready for BUD/S?”

Should I Be Running in Boots to Get Ready for BUD/S?

By Navy SEAL Veteran Brad McLeod 4-20-2016 Should I Be Running in Boots to Get Ready for BUD/S? We get this question every few weeks with athletes asking about wearing boots while running to prepare for BUDS. We checked in with a few experts like Stew Smith, Don Shipley’s crew and the medical staff at... Read More
Featured image for “How Can I Build Muscle Like a Navy SEAL?”

How Can I Build Muscle Like a Navy SEAL?

We get this question all the time – “I want to be Lean and Mean – How can I build a physique like a Navy SEAL?” or “How do Navy SEALs build muscle if they run so much all the time?”. The truth is that most Navy SEALs are not trying to get jacked and... Read More

SGPT interviews Kokoro graduate Tyler Goodale

SGPT: Tell us about yourself? I work as both a strength and conditioning coach and sport scientist with the Canadian Sport Institute Pacific, one of the national Olympic training centres in Canada for both winter and summer sport. I’ve worked exclusively on the summer sport side of things for the past decade. Currently I act... Read More

Protected: SGPT Sunshine workout

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Featured image for “Frog Hill workout”

Frog Hill workout

The Frog Hill workout is based on the infamous hill on San Clemente Island where BUDS trainees live and train. With 20 lb ruck sack (back pack) 400 meter brisk hike up hill 25 push-ups Return to bottom of hill 25 push-ups Return up hill 25 burpees Return bottom of hill 25 burpees Return up... Read More
Featured image for “How Do You Deal With the Daily Grind at BUD/S Training?”

How Do You Deal With the Daily Grind at BUD/S Training?

Just got this email question from William who ask “How did you deal with the day to day grind at BUDS Navy SEAL training?” I have answered the question before “what is the hardest part of BUDS?”. I said that it was overall the daily grind of training and how it wears you down. You... Read More
Featured image for “1 Tip to help TURBO boost your week”

1 Tip to help TURBO boost your week

I spend a fair amount of time on the road – either driving to events or going to do crazy endurance stuff in the woods. I have always been a big fan of what used to be called “Books on Tape” or now known as “Audiobooks”. Back in the day working in Atlanta the traffic... Read More
Featured image for “Fighting Pistol at Tactical Response”

Fighting Pistol at Tactical Response

A Training Review by Alexander Castiglione I had the chance to attend one of James Yeager’s Fighting Pistol classes at Tactical Response in Camden, TN this past weekend – March 19th and 20th, 2016. I went into it with an open mind, expected to learn some new drills, but also expecting to already have a... Read More

Protected: Tire flip workout 4-3-14

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.... Read More
Featured image for “Do What Champions Do – To be a Champion”

Do What Champions Do – To be a Champion

If you are going to be a winner then you have to do what champions are doing. Just spent the past week with Coach Divine and SEALFIT cadre working with the warriors in Canada. While others slept in late and enjoyed the warm comforts of sitting on the couch – the Canadian warriors were crawling... Read More

Special Forces Land Navigation Tips that Civilians Can Use

Check out these videos and tips to get you started with land navigation in the field. Note – with any videos you watch you must spend time in the field with a competent instructor to learn the basics. The US Army Special Forces Land Navigation Course is an advanced training program designed to teach soldiers... Read More
Featured image for “Inside the Mind of a Warrior”

Inside the Mind of a Warrior

I was talking with a friend this morning about life and its many problems. He explained how things were not going well for him and that wanted to just run away. Quit everything. Both of us can relate to that situation as life can throw us some hellacious curve balls. We both agreed that he... Read More
Featured image for “3 Tips to Improve Your Day”

3 Tips to Improve Your Day

Hope everybody is out there kicking ass and taking names. Are you working towards improving 1% daily? It is hard to do every day but there are some days that you really crush it. For today…. make sure you do this. TIP #1:  Remind yourself in the morning how grateful you are for at least... Read More
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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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