Archive: Daily SGPT Content

SEALgrinderPT Run Swim Run workout 12-7-11

Run – Swim – Run workout wrist stretch – 10 each way wrist rotations – 10 each way Arm circles 10 each way Press, press, fling – 10 Up, back and overs – 10 Shoulder pass throughs with pole – 10 Hip swivel kicks forward – 15 each leg hip swivel kicks side – 15... Read More

SEALgrinderPT 11-28-11

One Hundred Cruiser – WOD wrist stretch – 10 each way wrist rotations – 10 each way Arm circles 10 each way Press, press, fling – 10 Up, back and overs – 10 Shoulder pass throughs with pole – 10 Hip swivel kicks forward – 15 each leg hip swivel kicks side – 15 each leg... Read More

SEALgrinderPT 11-24-11

Kettlebell and Cardio Test – WOD first do 30 min Navy SEAL grinder PT wrist stretch – 10 each way wrist rotations – 10 each way Arm circles 10 each way Press, press, fling – 10 Up, back and overs – 10 Shoulder pass throughs with pole – 10 Hip swivel kicks forward – 15 each... Read More

SEALgrinderPT 11-18-11

SEALFIT Sprints – WOD warmup with Navy SEAL workout wrist stretch – 10 each way wrist rotations – 10 each way Arm circles 10 each way Press, press, fling – 10 Up, back and overs – 10 Shoulder pass throughs – 10 Hip swivel kicks (forward) – 15 each leg Hip swivel kicks (side) –... Read More

SEALgrinderPT Kokoro Prep Camp

SEALgrinderPT Kokoro Preparation Camp Ever wonder why there is a 25% drop out rate on athletes going through Kokoro camp? Because – it is incredibly hard and one too many athletes are unprepared – completely… out of their game. Do you want to be that athlete that quits in the first 6 hours? Or one... Read More

SEALgrinderPT 11-16-11

Waiters Walk WOD first do 30 min. of Navy SEAL  grinder PT  wrist stretch  – 10 each way  wrist rotations  – 10 each way   Arm circles 10 each way   Press, press, fling – 10   Up, back and overs – 10   Shoulder pass throughs – 10  Hip swivel kicks (forward)  – 15 each leg  Hip swivel... Read More

SEALgrinderPT 11-10-11

MHFWS – WOD warmup with Navy SEAL workout wrist stretch – 10 each way wrist rotations – 10 each way Arm circles 10 each way Press, press, fling – 10 Up, back and overs – 10 Shoulder pass throughs – 10 Hip swivel kicks (forward) – 15 each leg Hip swivel kicks (side) – 15... Read More

Protected: SEALFIT workout

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SEALgrinderPT 9-26-11

Filthy fifty 2 rounds for time 25 Box jump/step ups, 24 inch box 25 Jumping pull-ups 25 Kettlebell (sandbag) swings, 45 lbs Walking Lunge, 25 steps each leg 25 Knees to elbows 25 Push press, 45 pounds (use sand bag) 25 Back extensions or supermans 25 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball (make sandball with... Read More

SEALgrinderPT 9-18-11

“800 meter sprints” Workout warmup w/ Navy SEAL workout wrist stretch – 10 each way wrist rotations – 10 each way Arm circles 10 each way Press, press, fling – 10 Up, back and overs – 10 Shoulder pass throughs with pole – 10 Hip swivel kicks forward – 15 each leg hip swivel kicks... Read More
Featured image for “Convict Conditioning 2 Advanced Prison Training Tactics – Review”

Convict Conditioning 2 Advanced Prison Training Tactics – Review

Check out this review for the Convict Conditioning 2 Advanced Prison Training Tactics for Muscle Gain, Fat Loss and Bulletproof Abs by Paul ” Coach” Wade 354 pages E-Book CONVICT CONDITIONING 2 REVIEW If you want a balanced and symmetrical physique, no weak links in your strength chain, “real-world” strength and power, strong and supple... Read More

SEALgrinderPT 9-14-11

“Small” Workout                   warmup w/ Navy SEAL workout wrist stretch – 10 each way wrist rotations – 10 each way Arm circles 10 each way Press, press, fling – 10 Up, back and overs – 10 Shoulder pass throughs with pole – 10 Hip swivel kicks forward – 15 each leg hip swivel kicks side –... Read More
Featured image for “Training for Ruck Marches by Stew Smith”

Training for Ruck Marches by Stew Smith

Training for Ruck Marches By Stew Smith, Fitness I often get emails from soldiers and civilians who are training for Ranger or Special Forces courses on how to prepare for the Ruck Marches. Many civilians training to join the Army ask more specific questions concerning how the Ruck Marches are performed. For example here... Read More

Protected: SEALgrinderPT Lumberjack workout

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.... Read More
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"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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