Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Featured image for “Roll the Dice”

Roll the Dice

Sometimes you got to hedge your bets and roll the dice. You just got a feeling deep down inside. Its gnawing at your stomach – you know your ready to step up and find a way to win. Everything and everyone is saying “You can’t do it….You can’t make it”. But you know down deep... Read More
Featured image for “The Way of the SEAL by Mark Divine”

The Way of the SEAL by Mark Divine

Think Like an Elite Warrior to Lead and Succeed In the Way of the SEAL, former Navy Commander Mark Divine reveals exercises, meditations and focusing techniques to train your mind for mental toughness, emotional resilience and uncanny intuition. Along the way you’ll reaffirm your ultimate purpose, define your most important goals, and take concrete steps... Read More
Featured image for “Reinvent Yourself”

Reinvent Yourself

The thought of having to reinvent yourself is scary. What if we fail and our nay-sayers laugh at us? Most of us cringe at these words and run for cover – back to their comfort zone. The world is moving at a very fast pace these days. What was considered a skill (stenographer) or device... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Interviews Jedd Johnson”

SGPT Interviews Jedd Johnson

SGPT: Tell us about yourself JJ: Hey brother. I am a strength coach in Bradford County, Pennsylvania. I run and love blogging and doing articles and videos on all kinds of different strength training and fitness topics. I guess you could say my specialty is Grip Strength and Feats of Hand Strength. I have... Read More
Featured image for “Explore Your Limits and Fears”

Explore Your Limits and Fears

It is easy to stay “comfortable”… stay inside your bubble. It is easy to try and avoid mistakes, pit falls and fears. But what happens when we explore the outer limits of our potential? Push past what others think you are capable of? Watch the video below and see how an elite athlete pushes his... Read More
Featured image for “What Can You Learn from Kyle Maynard?”

What Can You Learn from Kyle Maynard?

Whenever you think you have it hard and everything is stacked against you – think of Kyle Maynard. Despite being born with what many would see as handicap – Kyle has battled through hardship to rise above and be an inspiration for others? What can we learn from Kyle and apply to our own lives?... Read More
Featured image for “Change Your Life with Gratitude”

Change Your Life with Gratitude

Many people are continually searching for happiness. What if you found out that happiness was obtainable at all times? When you think about what your are grateful for – you mind will turn towards happiness. It is physiologically impossible for you to think negative thoughts (unhappiness) while your are thinking of what your thankful for.... Read More
Featured image for “Full Immersion”

Full Immersion

Full Immersion We had an athlete ask last week about trying to find “mental toughness”. We talked about starting with a physical workout like running or walking a 5k – building up to a Spartan Race, GoRuck light or SEALFIT 20X Challenge. “Do one thing every day that scares you” – Eleanor Roosevelt. You have... Read More

Be a Big Boy and Take Your Medicine…Balls And Train!

By Brandon Richey Having been a strength and conditioning coach for the past 12 years it would be easy for me to come on here and write more about lifting big weight with barbells, kettlebells, and an array of other heavy stuff, but today’s post isn’t going to be about that. Hell no, I decided... Read More
Featured image for “Navy SEALs vs Delta Force”

Navy SEALs vs Delta Force

The Army has their Tier 1 Operatives known as “Delta Force” or simply “the Unit”. The Navy counters with a group so secretive the name changes depending on who your talking to. “DevGru” “Team Six” and “The Boys” to name a few. Navy SEALs and Delta Force are two elite special forces units within the... Read More
Featured image for “Making the Right Choice”

Making the Right Choice

How to be Fearless Everyday we are faced with choices. We can either make the right choice or the wrong choice. Are you aware of the choices that you make daily? It takes 21 days to create and reinforce a habit – good or bad. When faced with stress do you turn to alcohol and... Read More

Navy SEAL beach workout

Navy SEAL beach workout Check out these Navy SEAL workouts at the beach. Video – Navy SEAL workout at the beach #1 Check out the Navy SEAL grinder Pull Up workout Navy SEAL beach workout #1 500 meter walking lunge then 10k run at edge of water Video – Navy SEAL workout at the beach... Read More
Featured image for “Navy SEAL Pyramid Workouts”

Navy SEAL Pyramid Workouts

The pyramid style workouts are a staple of any Navy SEAL training at BUD/S or overseas on deployment. Simple but extremely effective. WORKOUT #1 This is one hardcore workout. Do one 8 count bodybuilder pushup Run 20m to a pull-up bar and do 1 pull-up Run back to the area where you do the 8... Read More

What Happens to You When You Get Knocked Down?

What Happens to You When You Get Knocked Down? Just got done with an awesome SEALFIT 20X Challenge at KBX Gym in Alpharetta, Georgia (north Atlanta). 12 athletes signed up for a 12 hour event of warrior training. We worked on being “Comfortable in the Uncomfortable” and showing these warriors they could push themselves 20... Read More
Seal Fit Stack

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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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