Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Phony Navy SEAL of the Week 10-2-13

Check out this wing dinger – he has on an Army uniform with a Navy SEAL trident at the top. How does that work? Phony Navy SEAL of the Week, Robert Kilburn of Michigan. Military Fake, Fraud, Phony Check out what a Navy SEAL has to say about Failure and Success Do you know of... Read More
Featured image for “How to Create Your Own Luck”

How to Create Your Own Luck

Have you ever had the thought that you are going nowhere fast? Your job has stalled with a glass ceiling above? In trouble, staying out late, partying too much…going downhill? Or…bad diet, avoiding the gym, looking for a workout short cut? And…negative nowhere people, bad traffic, cellphone overload? Find out what a Navy SEAL knows... Read More
Featured image for “Russian Bodyweight Workouts”

Russian Bodyweight Workouts

Check out these Russian bodyweight workouts to build your body and mind. Workout #1 20 pushups 20 dips 20 pull ups 20 bar leg raises Video – The Best Workout Russian and Ukrainian Winter 2012-2013 Workout #2 5 close grip pull ups slow 10 diamond push ups 5 wide grip pull ups slow 10 wide... Read More

Freak Frogman workout reviews

TRAIN LIKE a NAVY SEAL Freak Frogman workout review by Todd Seguin First of all I would like to start out in regards to Brad and his commitment to improving your training no matter what your goals are. I found Brad’s website probably about a year ago and without any question he has been a... Read More

Are You Capable of 20X More?

Are You Capable of 20X More? Good question? The reality is that most people think they are maxed out and pushed to the limit. I say most people – because if your reading this article – then YOU are not “most people”. You have decided to step up and find something more in life –... Read More
Featured image for “Phony Navy SEAL of the week 9-25-13”

Phony Navy SEAL of the week 9-25-13

This week we bring to you a real wing dinger – Ike Check out this work of art. Check out what a Navy SEAL has to say about Failure and Success Do you know of someone who claims to be a Navy SEAL but your skeptical? There have been as many as 10 Phony Navy... Read More

SEALFIT 20X Challenge Atlanta

The 20X Challenge is coming to Atlanta on November 9, 2013. This event is a one day crucible training delivered by SEALFIT with the goal of transforming your view of what you are capable of as a human being. Sign up for the event with SGPT and you will get a $100 coupon from SGPT to... Read More
Featured image for “10 Tips to Break Through Mental Barriers”

10 Tips to Break Through Mental Barriers

What separates the top athletes and successful people from those that are average or just plain outright losers? Top athletes use several techniques to get them over and around obstacles and moving towards their goals. How bad do you want to work and finish the drill? Do you have the skills to get it done?... Read More

Progenex vs. Myogenex

There is much discussion in the CrossFit community over which recovery protein to use – Progenex vs SFH. Check out the info below and reviews and make your choice – Progenex vs SFH. You can take PROGENEX Recovery after every training session. If you are training multiple times in one day, you can take a... Read More
Featured image for “SEALgrinderPT Interviews Kettlebell Instructor Rob Budd”

SEALgrinderPT Interviews Kettlebell Instructor Rob Budd

Rob Budd is a kettlebell instructor and part owner of the Phyzyks gym in Cardif, California.  I met Rob as he trained athlete at SEALFIT/US CrossFit down the road a few miles.  I was very impressed with Rob’s knowledge of kettlebells and stretching and genuine desire to help others learn and grow. Every time I am... Read More
Featured image for “Navy SEAL TRX Workout”

Navy SEAL TRX Workout

The TRX Suspension trainer was designed by a Navy SEAL for workouts while overseas on deployment. He figured out that he could design a mobile light weight fitness device to carry anywhere in the field and work out at a minutes notice and get in his training. Since then – not only Navy SEALs.. but... Read More
Featured image for “Depletion Workout”

Depletion Workout

If you are training for a long endurance event there are times in training where you need to push yourself to the next level and make sure that your body can handle long periods of work. The depletion workout is a method to accomplish that goal. de·ple·tion (d-plshn) noun. The act or process of depleting.... Read More
Featured image for “Travis Stoetzel interview”

Travis Stoetzel interview

Travis Stoetzel interview Check out this killa interview with Strength Coach Travis Stoetzel. I met him at an Underground Strength Coach Seminar this past summer and this guy is fired up and gets after it. I love meeting guys like Travis as he walks the walk as he is super fit and agile, mobile and... Read More
Featured image for “Believe In Yourself”

Believe In Yourself

How do you deal with negative people? People that don’t believe in your dream. Those that want to bring you down? How do you deal with the day to day grind? Most people don’t have goals. They don’t know what they want to do with their lives. All of the sudden there is an athlete... Read More
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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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