Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Featured image for “What is Frog Hill in BUD/S?”

What is Frog Hill in BUD/S?

There is a frog statue (see photo) on San Clemente Island atop a steep 200 yard hill. If the BUD/S trainees can make it to the top in 1 minute 20 seconds then they will stay dry going to the chow hall. If not…hit the surf. We asked one of our young Frogmen out there... Read More
Featured image for “Learn How to Suffer Tips from Navy SEAL David Goggins”

Learn How to Suffer Tips from Navy SEAL David Goggins

Check out David Goggins as he talks you through some really important tips to help propel you to the next level. David transformed himself from being overweight and out of shape to becoming a Navy SEAL and one of the top endurance athletes on the planet. TIP #1: Change your mindset. Stop being the biggest... Read More
Featured image for “The Jocko Willink Workout – Get after it!”

The Jocko Willink Workout – Get after it!

The Jocko Willink Workout: Unless you have been living under a rock you have heard about Former Navy SEAL Jocko Willink. Willink was commander of SEAL Team Three’s Task Unit Bruiser during the Battle of Ramadi in the Iraq war. Jocko quote:“The only person you can control is you. So focus on making yourself who... Read More
Featured image for “Delta Force Training”

Delta Force Training

Physical Training Exercise Programs for the Delta Force by Dale Comstock Having completed one of the toughest selection courses in the world – the Delta Force Assessment and Selection Course – and having been a Delta Force Operator for almost 10 years, I have a pretty good idea what kind of mental and physical condition... Read More
Featured image for “Ascent Whey Protein Coupon Codes”

Ascent Whey Protein Coupon Codes

Check out the whey protein coupons, codes and discount that we have found for Ascent Protein and put them to use on your first purchase. We are currently using Ascent Protein as a supplement to daily workouts. I will drink about 12 ounces of milk with a heaping tablespoon of this protein powder. I add... Read More
Featured image for “5 Biggest Mistakes SOF Candidates Make in Running Assessments”

5 Biggest Mistakes SOF Candidates Make in Running Assessments

By Jeff Grant Over the years, I’ve coached SOF and LEO candidates in many countries, as well as civilian athletes for military-themed events, such as GORUCK & SEALFIT Kokoro. I thrive on working with this type of athlete, especially the one who is on the fence with respect to the standards and has to put... Read More

Convict Conditioning Interview with Coach Paul Wade

The Edmonton SUN newspaper interviewed Coach Paul Wade, Author of The Convict Conditioning Workout.  Paul’s book is a legend in the circle of hardcore workout fanatics.  If you click on any link we may get a commission from which helps keep gas in the truck and the lights turned on. So if you want... Read More

How to Train Hip Flexors and Abs

Hip Flexors vs. Abs One of the most common challenges we see in our population today is hip flexor dominance. The cause of this can be from a corrupted movement pattern or from simply being sedentary. If you’re not up and actively moving around for 8-10 hours a day, then you’re sedentary. Most of us... Read More
Featured image for “We try the SuperGreen Tonik supplement and here is our review”

We try the SuperGreen Tonik supplement and here is our review

I have been using Athletic Greens for years now but try to stay open minded when it comes to making good choices to improve your health. So when I got a chance to taste and review SuperGreen Tonik – I figured I had nothing to lose and to potentially find another brand I may like.... Read More
Featured image for “Can you pass the new Army combat fitness test?”

Can you pass the new Army combat fitness test?

New plans are underway for the U.S. Army as it replaces a decades old fitness test. In order to prepare it soldiers for modern warfare is planning to replace its antiquated fitness exam with a more rigorous model. The old test—two minutes of situps, two minutes of pushups, and a 2-mile run—has been standard for... Read More
Featured image for “What can we learn from Cliff Young?”

What can we learn from Cliff Young?

In 1983, Cliff Young started a 543 mile running race across Australia from Sydney to Melbourne. It is one of the most grueling ultra marathons in the world. He had never ran a race that far. He had never raced. He was 61 years young competing against 20 and 30 year old athletes. He was... Read More
Featured image for “Herschel Walker’s Workout”

Herschel Walker’s Workout

Herschel Walker is one of the greatest American football players to every walk on a playing field. Herschel’s infamous workouts are legendary also. Since his days as a Heisman Trophy winner and National Champion at The University of Georgia – he has gone on to win at every level at every sport he has ever... Read More
Featured image for “Honey Badger Pre Workout Coupon Code”

Honey Badger Pre Workout Coupon Code

Check out the Honey Badger coupon codes for pre-workout and whey protein. The Honey Badger fends off deadly venomous snakes, predators twice its size and endures hundreds of bee stings, stopping at nothing to snack on its favorite foods. Relentless! I picked up a sample of this product at a CrossFit competition in Atlanta and... Read More
Featured image for “4 Push-Up Variations to Strengthen Your Kinetic Chain”

4 Push-Up Variations to Strengthen Your Kinetic Chain

By Brandon Richey I think we all can agree the almighty push-up is a solid go-to for developing foundational strength. Despite the thought that the push-up is primarily an upper body movement there is a lot more of your musculoskeletal system involved in order to pull this movement off. Your body’s muscles are connected to... Read More
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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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