Archive: Daily SGPT Content

SGPT February Question + Answer

Check out yesterdays SGPT February Facebook Question and Answer Session. thanks to all athletes that joined in. We are live on Facebook .. post em up.. any questions are fair game Michael Buscemi: Hello, I have a question about training for BUDs. I understand that my focus should be on a lot of running, swimming,... Read More
Featured image for “Is Brad McLeod a Phony Navy SEAL? Don Shipley?”

Is Brad McLeod a Phony Navy SEAL? Don Shipley?

We get this question (accusation) about once a month.. sometimes twice in a week. Accusation from angry blog reader: Has anyone ever really checked to see if this guy “Brad McLeod” is a phony Navy SEAL? He looks fake. Is he scamming us? Has anyone called Don Shipley? Answer: Well, not sure what to say... Read More

Adversity into Victory

So often we hear excuses. We are all guilty of it. I am too old. I am not in good enough shape. Do you make excuses? Or do you charge ahead? Click Here for more info and to sign up for the Unbeatable Mind Academy What are you waiting for to step up to the... Read More

Box Life sleep article

It goes without saying that we put incredible stress on our body and mind during high intensity CrossFit workouts. Couple that with a hectic 50 hour work week, city traffic, social media, you name it – and we have a recipe for chronic fatigue. In a recent online article published by the U.S. Centers for... Read More
Featured image for “Think Like a Super Bowl Winner”

Think Like a Super Bowl Winner

Last night we got to see some amazing professional American football being played. You may say “I could care less”. Or you could say “It was a blowout”. Or.. you absolutely loved it. Stick with me on this one as I will be quick. There were many great plays by the SeaHawks who were supposedly... Read More

What is a SEAL crawl workout?

We got this question the other day. Coach, what is a SEAL crawl exercise? How can I use that in a workout? You can use a 5 lb weight plate on the gym floor if that works. Or you can put your feet on a plastic piece like I did in the video above. Video... Read More
Featured image for “Tips on Training for SEALFIT Kokoro Camp”

Tips on Training for SEALFIT Kokoro Camp

Tips on Training for SEALFIT Kokoro Camp by Jeff Grant (Kokoro Coach) Over the past few years I’ve had the incredible opportunity to complete the 50-hour non-stop, no sleep SEALFIT Kokoro Camp, intern at it and eventually work as a coach at both the SEALFIT Academy and Kokoro Camp. It’s a real honor, especially as... Read More

5 Non-Lifting Habits to Significantly Boost Your Strength and Performance

By Brandon Richey So with today’s guest post on SGPT I decided to steer off the usual path of conversation concerning all things strength, pounding a bunch of iron, and pushing the nervous system to the limit. Today I’m talking about all of the things that people aren’t doing enough of to boost their performance... Read More
Featured image for “The Hidden Path”

The Hidden Path

Have you had a series of failures? Ball not bounce your way? Obstacles coming at you too quick to react? Who you are in temporary defeat.. says everything about you. Do you pick yourself up.. dust yourself off and go again? Or do you walk away and blame others and become the victim? This is... Read More

Paleo Recipe for a Healthy Meal

Just want to make sure that all of our athletes are having a great week – getting in good workouts and eating great meals. We love to eat clean fuel to help our Maserati engines (our bodies) work at peak capacity. We are partial to the Paleo nutrition plan as it emphasizes fresh vegetables, lean... Read More
Featured image for “What WILL Matter?”

What WILL Matter?

By Erik Jon Larson What is it that truly matters in your life? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Too often we forget to stop and really tap in and ask ourselves this important question. We live in a world of material things and are bombarded by the media in all forms whether television,... Read More
Featured image for “Navy SEAL Phil Black Enters the Shark Tank”

Navy SEAL Phil Black Enters the Shark Tank

My SEAL Team colleague Phil Black has some very interesting news… read on. From Phil Black, founder FitDeck Of all of the nerve-wracking things I’ve done in my life, pitching my business on ABC’s Shark Tank probably ranks in the Top 5. What an experience! For those not familiar with the show, Shark Tank is... Read More

Practice Makes Perfect

Team SGPT: Wow…now that’s a cliche statement. “Practice makes Perfect”. Pretty simple. Lets take that up one notch… “Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.” — Vince Lombardi But not easy. We think…what if it is really horrible or they make fun of me? What if I fail? Can I make it?... Read More

SEAL grinder PT T-shirts

Check out the newest SGPT t-shirts for your next workout. “Stronger people are harder to kill and generally more useful” We have these shirts in American Apparrel designs and also in hoodies and long sleeves. Get one now. You can order here: SEALgrinderPT Teespring Store or here: SEALgrinderPT CafePress Store Strong people are harder to... Read More
Seal Fit Stack

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with SEAL Grinder's Brad McLeod
To Achieve Your Goals

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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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