Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Featured image for “Celebrated Not Tolerated”

Celebrated Not Tolerated

Celebrated Not Tolerated Where do you spend your time? Are you in a place going nowhere fast? Working around people that could care less whether you succeed or not? No room for advancement? Glass ceiling? Are you putting yourself in a daily environment where you can Thrive? You have to seek out a place where... Read More
Featured image for “Surviving the Cut Marine Recon Workout”

Surviving the Cut Marine Recon Workout

Surviving the Cut Marine Recon Workout In order to get ready for Marine Recon training – you will need to do some workouts that are not the norm. Get out of the gym and put the barbell away. Check out these videos and workouts go get you up to snuff for Marine Recon training. Marine... Read More

Too Young to Quit

Too Young to Quit This past weekend at Kokoro camp 30 was great. There are not many times in life that we get to experience athletes being pushed to the outer edge – and break throughs happening. Athletes seeing that they are capable of 20X more than they ever thought. Your abilities truly are limitless... Read More

Are Your Living Up to Your Potential?

Are Your Living Up to Your Potential? When you look in the mirror – what do you see? Are you content with who you are – what you have done? Or do you question your existence? The decisions you have made? Wonder if there is more to life? That you have a higher calling? You... Read More
Featured image for “The Calm Before the Storm”

The Calm Before the Storm

About once a month we get asked “How did you deal with the stress and dread leading up to and before Hell Week?” The easy answer is that you try to forget about it. The real answer is that you have to be present in the moment and not think ahead to something that you... Read More
Featured image for “What Can We Learn from Lori Schneider?”

What Can We Learn from Lori Schneider?

Lori Schneider is an 56 year old teacher from Steamboat Springs. She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1999. She overcame her fears and went on to climb the Seven Summits – the tallest peaks on each continent. She climbed Mount Everest in 2009 – despite this crippling disease. Find out What a Navy SEAL... Read More
Featured image for “Surviving the Cut Ranger Workout”

Surviving the Cut Ranger Workout

When you are training for Special Forces you will need to be ready for anything at anytime. Leave the barbell behind for a while and get down and dirty with some unconventional workouts that will push you out of your comfort zone. Lets admit it. Many of us would rather stay in the cushy gym... Read More

Do You Place Limits on Yourself?

When you push yourself hard – what do you say to yourself? Do you make excuses and stop early? Or do you Finish the Drill and leave the field late? Do you view hard work as a curse or a Gift? The gift will make you stronger. A curse makes you a “victim”. Find out... Read More

Navy SEAL Sandbag Workouts

Kokoro sand bag workout 10 pushups on sand bag 15 walking lunges with bag 20 push press with bag rest 15 seconds then press sand bag overhead for as long as possible and note time Kokoro sand bag workout 15 kettlebell swings with bag 15 thrusters with bag 15 dead lifts with bag rest 15... Read More

20X Challenge Greenville Lessons Learned

By Billy Fletcher, CrossFit Alliance. It has been a little over a month since we had the SealFit 20X Challenge at Alliance. There were many lessons learned during this 13.5 hour crucible event. One lesson which you may have heard about from those who participated, is the concept of “hands off hips”. It all started... Read More
Featured image for “Navy SEAL Gives 3 Tips to Build Willpower”

Navy SEAL Gives 3 Tips to Build Willpower

In our daily lives it is important to have some willpower and discipline. Without it we would be like rudderless boat drifting and tossed in the waves. We all want to take a bite of that candy bar but resist as we know it doesn’t help us meet our goals of health and fitness. Willpower,... Read More
Featured image for “How to be Unstoppable”

How to be Unstoppable

What if you could do anything in life that you wanted? Achieve every goal? Blow past every pre-conceive idea of who you thought you were? Fear is self imposed. What is holding you back? Today make the choice to move the chains forward. Face your fears. Make the choice to replace the negative with the... Read More

Rob Bousquet 20X Challenge Interview

SGPT: Tell us a little about yourself and your background coming into the 20X Challenge? RB: I have been a chiropractor for 15 years and started CrossFit 5 years ago. I have been into sports all my life early in my career I got away from doing any activity. I started playing basketball again, then... Read More
Featured image for “Tips to Decrease Asthma”

Tips to Decrease Asthma

I get asked all the time about how I overcame asthma to become a Navy SEAL. First off, I want to say that if you have asthma – you need to consult a doctor. The information I am writing about is my experience only and tips I took to decrease asthma. I know, your thinking... Read More
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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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