Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Featured image for “What is Holding You Back?”

What is Holding You Back?

Ask yourself that question. Serious.  Say it out loud. If you can answer that one question – your life will radically change over nite. In all cases – it is not some outside force (work, family, health or whatever). It is YOU – Holding back yourself. History is full of athletes and business people who... Read More

Protected: Benoit hero workout

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Featured image for “12 Days of Holiday Tactical Gear”

12 Days of Holiday Tactical Gear

Check out our list of cool tactical gear for the upcoming holiday. You may have something on your holiday list that you want — or know that your buddy was jonesing for. Either way check out our list of gear that we use and have abused and still keeps on working. 5.11 TACTICAL FLASHLIGHT We keep... Read More
Featured image for “What kind of Self Defense do you recommend?”

What kind of Self Defense do you recommend?

We get asked this question all the time. What kind of self defense do you recommend? I personally like to roll in Ji-Jitsu and only wish I had more time. I am not a self defense expert but like to learn and be around those that are. There is so much to learn in all... Read More
Featured image for “It could always be Worse…”

It could always be Worse…

It could always be Worse… This was my mantra this past weekend. Rode 300 miles on a mtn bike 40 hours straight (no sleep) across the State of Florida. From the Atlantic side to the Gulf of Mexico. When I thought I had a little discomfort – I remembered this saying. Coach Lance at SEALFIT... Read More
Featured image for “The World is not getting any Safer”

The World is not getting any Safer

Lets be honest for a minute. It is obvious that the world is not getting any safer. Let that sink in and think about how that is going to effect you and your family. Don’t get me wrong — I am not some big conspiracy theory guy or sitting on 10 years of ammo and... Read More

Protected: Running Cindy workout

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Featured image for “Stolen Valor Phony Navy SEAL Death Spiral Dude”

Stolen Valor Phony Navy SEAL Death Spiral Dude

It really pisses me off to listen to @ss hats like this. Don gets 20 to 30 calls a day on fake Navy SEALs. They say there are 10 phony impersonator SEALs for every 1 that is real. Yesterday I marched in the Veterans parade and stood next to many honorable men who had served... Read More
Featured image for “I Thought I Could not be BROKEN till I saw this…”

I Thought I Could not be BROKEN till I saw this…

I will be honest with you. I thought that I had what it took to make it through BUDS. There was no question in my mind. I knew that I would never quit. They would have to kick me out by some other means (which they did but that is another story). But after the... Read More

David Goggins: No Limits

What if you could do anything you want (legal of course)? You could reach any goal by applying your mind and body. You could help others… inspire others and be a leader? You could push yourself to the outer limits of human abilities and still keep going? What is holding you back from finding your... Read More
Featured image for “Grip Strength Training for American Ninja Warrior”

Grip Strength Training for American Ninja Warrior

Check out these tips from Isaac Caldiero who is a busboy from Ft. Collins, Colorado and one of the best rock climbers in America. He recently won the American Ninja Warrior competition and walked away with $1 million cash. Needless to say, Isaac is a bad @ss that knows a little bit about grip strength.... Read More

Protected: Axe hero workout

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Featured image for “How I Would Train for BUDS Today”

How I Would Train for BUDS Today

I get this question all the time — what do I need to do to get to BUDS in the next year? If it were me training — knowing what I know now. Having gone through BUDS twice — I would do this. Baseline test monthly Do every GORUCK, Spartan Race, SEALFIT 20X Challenge and... Read More
Featured image for “Protected: SGPT Reynolds workout”

Protected: SGPT Reynolds workout

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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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