Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Featured image for “Thai Navy SEALs Work to Rescue Soccer Team Trapped in Cave”

Thai Navy SEALs Work to Rescue Soccer Team Trapped in Cave

On Thursday, June 21, 2018, as youth soccer team toured a cave, monsoon rains caused it to flood without warning. While the boys were able to reach a patch of dry ground, their exit was now blocked. Unable to call for help, it took the Thai SEALs and other search officials 9 days to locate... Read More
Featured image for “Top 7 Ruck Marching Tips”

Top 7 Ruck Marching Tips

Rucking, or “ruck marching” is the act of you moving from point A to point B with a certain amount of weight on your back inside a rucksack (backpack). If you ever walked to school with your books in your backpack – that’s rucking. If you’ve gone hiking with a pack filled with food and... Read More
Featured image for “5-Step Cycle of Optimizing Strength and Performance”

5-Step Cycle of Optimizing Strength and Performance

By Brandon Richey As a general rule of thumb, your body is always working to be efficient and to reach a state of balance. This balance, or homeostasis is something that is constantly occurring during your body changing and adapting to the environment that it’s exposed to. When it comes to the process of training,... Read More
Featured image for “Navy Student Pilot’s First Attempt at Carrier Landing Ends in Disaster”

Navy Student Pilot’s First Attempt at Carrier Landing Ends in Disaster

When it comes to flying, there’s little room for error and absolutely none for errors driven by panic, especially if you’re coming in for a landing on a moving target such as an aircraft carrier. For comparison—the average length of a USAF is around 11,000 feet (there are bases with three different runways as aircraft... Read More
Featured image for “Thief Steals Identity of USA’s Oldest Veteran and Empties His Bank Account”

Thief Steals Identity of USA’s Oldest Veteran and Empties His Bank Account

Despite careful care by his family, a thief somehow attained the bank account numbers and social security number of Richard Overton, a 112-year-old World War II veteran, generated a debit card and depleted the account. The discovery was made by one of Overton’s cousins when she logged on to make a deposit into his account... Read More
Featured image for “Navy SEAL-Approved Mobility Tools Foam Rollers, Bands and Massage Balls”

Navy SEAL-Approved Mobility Tools Foam Rollers, Bands and Massage Balls

Navy SEAL-Approved Mobility Tools Foam Rollers, Bands and Massage Balls   If you have ever followed an intense training program you know the importance of stretching and recovery. Being mobile and flexible are keys to optimum performance. Keys to improving mobility and flexibility is making sure you use the proper tools and use them correctly... Read More
Featured image for “How a Navy SEAL Stays Hydrated in the Summer Heat”

How a Navy SEAL Stays Hydrated in the Summer Heat

How a Navy SEAL Stays Hydrated in the Summer Heat As we continue to have a hot summer in many parts of the US and around the world, I wanted to cover a topic that some of you asked about. Symptoms of dehydration and heat exhaustion and how to stay ahead of it. Hydration is... Read More
Featured image for “Muay Boran: The Ultimate Ancient Form Of Combat”

Muay Boran: The Ultimate Ancient Form Of Combat

One of the most respected and ancient martial art forms is Muay Thai. However, like the martial art forms it has spawned or become the foundation for, it also has a predecessor: Muay Boran (“boran” is pronounced so that it rhymes with “rain”—“bore-ain”) and means “ancient boxing”. This ancient form of fighting completely changed martial... Read More
Featured image for “Former Delta Force Sgt Maj. John “Shrek” McPhee on His Experiences in Special Forces”

Former Delta Force Sgt Maj. John “Shrek” McPhee on His Experiences in Special Forces

Formed in 1977, “Delta Force” is the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D) in the US Army. Its primary focus is on counter-terrorism and the capture of high-value units (e.g. high-ranking ISIS members). The current official name for the SOF team is the Army Compartmented Elements—or, “ACE”. In this awesome video, John “Shrek” McPhee (the... Read More
Featured image for “Female US Navy Master Chief Shot 5 Times and is Combat-Ready Again”

Female US Navy Master Chief Shot 5 Times and is Combat-Ready Again

As Master Chief Raina Hockenberry, the senior enlisted leader for CSTCA (Combinted Security Transition Command Afghanistan) concluded the last briefing of the day, an Afghan soldier opened fire through a window. She remembers everything from that day in 2014; 13 other soldiers were wounded as well. After being shot twice in the right leg, shattering... Read More
Featured image for “Sheepdog in Action: Former Green Beret Soldier Saves Girl Amid ISIS Sniper Fire”

Sheepdog in Action: Former Green Beret Soldier Saves Girl Amid ISIS Sniper Fire

Watch this amazing video as David Eubank, 56 and a former Green Beret, now a US Aid Worker, dodges ISIS sniper fire to rescue a little girl caught by the battle. “I thought, ‘If I die doing this, my wife and kids would understand,” Eubank said. The action and rescue took place in Mosul, a... Read More
Featured image for “3 Secret Weapons to Supercharge Your Pull-Up Strength”

3 Secret Weapons to Supercharge Your Pull-Up Strength

By Brandon Richey The pull-up exercise is one of the toughest bodyweight exercises that exist for any of us to perform..let alone master. The ability to build strength for the pull-up requires discipline, consistency, and rock solid technique. There is a very good reason as to why the military, fight gyms, and top notch strength... Read More
Featured image for “Special Forces Combat Diving: 7 Weeks of Intense Underwater Ops Training”

Special Forces Combat Diving: 7 Weeks of Intense Underwater Ops Training

Check out this awesome video about US SOF (Special Operations Forces) Combat Diving School—training that the SOF of all branches must pass. This is in addition to the initial training the soldiers experience, whether it’s BUD/S, Ranger School, Force Recon or the US Air Force’s Pararescue Team. As the US Army describes it: “The grueling... Read More
Featured image for “The 4-Point Hip Stretch: Supercharge Your Function for Lifting, Fighting, and Sport”

The 4-Point Hip Stretch: Supercharge Your Function for Lifting, Fighting, and Sport

By Brandon Richey One of the biggest killers to performance and your attempt to make significant strength gains is a lack of mobility in your major joints. The most common joints where problems originate tend to be either at the hips or shoulders. Of course this isn’t the case all of the time, but these... Read More
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"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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