Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Featured image for “Becoming a Navy SEAL: BUD/S Class 224”

Becoming a Navy SEAL: BUD/S Class 224

Check out this awesome video giving a peek into BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) training. Even if you aren’t on a path to join the SEALs or another Special Operations force—the video is still an awesome resource for understanding the concept that graduating from BUD/S is 80% mental and 20% physical. While you do need a... Read More
Featured image for “Green Beret, US Service Members Killed in Somalia”

Green Beret, US Service Members Killed in Somalia

Earlier this week in Somalia, at least one US Army Green Beret was killed, and four other US service members were wounded when enemy forces used small arms fire and mortars when attacking the US, Somali and Kenyan coalition force. Also wounded was one of the coalition soldiers. The mission was to eradicate a militant... Read More
Featured image for “US Navy SEAL Jeff Nichols on How to Handle Failure”

US Navy SEAL Jeff Nichols on How to Handle Failure

Failure is something we all encounter in life. Sometimes the incident is small, other times large. It can also depend on our perspective. What seems small to us may seem like a larger failure to someone else. But what if you could change your perspective and realize that our ability to handle the failure is... Read More
Featured image for “US Marine Pilot Lands Plane Despite His Forward Gear Malfunctioning”

US Marine Pilot Lands Plane Despite His Forward Gear Malfunctioning

Check out this awesome video showing U.S. Marine Corps Capt. William Mahone landing his AV-8B Harrier essentially blind on the deck of a US Naval carrier when the front gear of the plane malfunctions. The Harrier (also known as a Harrier “jump jet”) 46 feet long and weighs 31,000 pounds. While pilots do train for... Read More
Featured image for “3 Ways MMA Fighters Can Pack on Muscle Fast”

3 Ways MMA Fighters Can Pack on Muscle Fast

By Brandon Richey Are you training or competitive in MMA, or another form of martial arts? Are you interested in learning how you can pack on some lean muscle gains for MMA and other martial arts? Are you serious about your training and understand what variables to work on in order to achieve these variables?... Read More
Featured image for “Mali Immigrant in France Saves Boy From Falling”

Mali Immigrant in France Saves Boy From Falling

Mamoudou Gassama, a native of Mali living in Paris, climbed four stories, Navy SEAL-style to save a young boy dangling from a fifth-floor balcony. When he reached the boy, he pulled him to safety. An adult standing nearby seemed apparently unable to do anything for the boy. Gassama, 22, living illegally in Paris, made his way... Read More
Featured image for “Sheepdog in Action: Teacher Tackles Gunman in Class and Stops Shooting”

Sheepdog in Action: Teacher Tackles Gunman in Class and Stops Shooting

Jason Seaman, a 29-year-old science teacher at Noblesville West Middle School in Indiana, was identified as the person who helped stop a shooting that occurred there on May 25, 2018. Seaman was teaching a class when a male student asked to be excused, then returned with two handguns. While trying to diffuse the situation and... Read More
Featured image for “4 Reasons Your Functional Strength Program is Failing”

4 Reasons Your Functional Strength Program is Failing

By Brandon Richey I define functional fitness as the ability to possess the strength, skill, and ability to execute movements that mimic real life and sport activities with confidence and without inhibition. So if your functional strength program is not up to par, then you’re losing chances for major physical breakthroughs, performance, and even injury-prevention.... Read More
Featured image for “Green Beret and UFC Fighter Tim Kennedy on Why Today’s Kids Can’t Hack SOF Recruitment: “They’re Fat, Lazy F@#%s.””

Green Beret and UFC Fighter Tim Kennedy on Why Today’s Kids Can’t Hack SOF Recruitment: “They’re Fat, Lazy F@#%s.”

Is his assessment a bit harsh? Maybe. But there’s truth to it. And not just the Army is having a recruitment issue (some would say “crisis”). The Marines, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard are running into the same problems. “Kids are playing video games, they’re…eating Cheetos…less participation in sports. I mean, if you could... Read More
Featured image for “Marine Who Set Pull-Up World Record Gives His Top 7 Tips on How to Crush Them”

Marine Who Set Pull-Up World Record Gives His Top 7 Tips on How to Crush Them

Michael Eckert, who recently left the US Marine Corps as a Sergeant, holds the Guinness World Record holder for most pull-ups in one minute: 50. Shortly before he left the Marines, he broke his wrist while competing for American Ninja Warrior. But even after two surgeries (one which was to put a metal plate in... Read More
Featured image for “5 Tips from US Navy SEAL Jocko Willink on How to Crush Your Day”

5 Tips from US Navy SEAL Jocko Willink on How to Crush Your Day

We all have days when we want to throw the alarm clock across the room and sleep in. Or we’re up, but our mindset is focused negatively—how we hate our job. The drive to work in crappy traffic. The fact we got hit with another bill. But how you start your day—the mindset you have... Read More
Featured image for “5 Killer Push-Up Variations to Upgrade Your Functional Fitness”

5 Killer Push-Up Variations to Upgrade Your Functional Fitness

I think we can all agree that push-ups are a bread-and-butter movement to include in regular strength and conditioning program. When it comes to strength you must often be willing to change the angle of your hand placement, foot position, and shift your weight to distribute it in other ways. This forces you to challenge... Read More
Featured image for “Mat Best Presents 3 Awesome Life Hacks (Inspired by MREs)”

Mat Best Presents 3 Awesome Life Hacks (Inspired by MREs)

Mat Best, former Army Ranger, provides 3 tips to keep you awake and alert even during the most boring drudgery you deal with on a daily basis, using ingredients found in MREs (“Meals Ready to Eat”) and most office break rooms and homes. 1. “Coffee Dip”—Tip #1 for Staying Awake Instead of drinking your coffee... Read More

Navy SEAL Jocko Willink On Real Martial Arts

Check out this video on how Navy SEAL Jocko Willink reveals what he calls “real martial arts” and gives tips for self-defense that anyone can use to protect themselves. TIP #1 Get a gun. The best way to protect yourself is to get a gun, conceal and carry it. (Make sure you follow the concealed... Read More
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"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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