Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Featured image for “Do Navy SEALs Do Kipping Pull Ups?”

Do Navy SEALs Do Kipping Pull Ups?

We get asked this question about once a month so we figured we would post up some info about Navy SEALs and kipping pull ups. Short answer NOPE!!  Full range of motion, no kipping, chin over the bar. Kipping is gymnastics not fitness. (it’s cheating) For the BUDS PST you must do dead hang pull... Read More
Featured image for “How to become a Navy SEAL”

How to become a Navy SEAL

How to Become a Navy SEAL   The process for a  civilian attempting to become an enlisted Navy SEAL Candidate takes around 6 months – 1 years time. Currently 60% of SEAL Candidates have at least an Associates Degree, with most having a Bachelors Degree. Step 1: Go and talk to a Navy Recruiter. This... Read More
Featured image for “Top 5 Exercises for Super-Strong Shoulders”

Top 5 Exercises for Super-Strong Shoulders

By Brandon Richey Have you experienced shoulder problems secondary to traumatic injury and are frustrated with trying to figure out the problem? You could be experiencing discomfort in your lifts and you are noticing that it’s hurting your progress and bleeding your power both in the weight room and in the field. Today I want... Read More

How to Use Negatives to Improve Pull-Ups

As a CrossFit gym owner we get this question every week “Coach, how can I increase my pull ups?”. Check out this one tip using “negatives” that can help you get a boost in your pull ups and also improve your grip strength. Post up in the comments below any questions that you may have... Read More
Featured image for “US Navy SEAL Jocko Willink on Controlling Your Anger: “Be Unflappable.””

US Navy SEAL Jocko Willink on Controlling Your Anger: “Be Unflappable.”

“What are the pre-event indicators that show to you or reveal to you that your temper is about to be lost? What are they? As soon as you feel that, you detach.” — Jocko Willink If you click on any link we may get a commission from which helps keep gas in the truck... Read More
Featured image for “5  Ways To Finish Your Opponent in MMA and Combat”

5 Ways To Finish Your Opponent in MMA and Combat

Brandon Richey, B.S., CSCS When it comes to fighting and combat there are three elements that are always on the side of a winning fighter. The element of conditioning, the element of technique, and the element of unpredictability. It is this third element of unpredictability that I want to take a look at today. Winning... Read More
Featured image for “Navy SEAL Challenge — Get Out of the Rut”

Navy SEAL Challenge — Get Out of the Rut

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut. Doing the same old workouts in the same old gym and not really seeing results. You ever feel that way? It is good to get out of your element and mix it up completely. What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over... Read More
Featured image for “Texas Superfood Review”

Texas Superfood Review

Check out the review for Texas Superfood and you decide if it is right for your body. It is made with 25 Vine Ripened Vegetables and 30 SuperFruits. It has digestive enzymes and is enhanced with probiotics. I have had digestion problems for years and staying taking Texas Superfood 180 Capsules – Complete Daily Nutrition... Read More
Featured image for “US Navy SEAL David Goggins Gives Advice on Not Feeling Accepted”

US Navy SEAL David Goggins Gives Advice on Not Feeling Accepted

Check out how US Navy SEAL David Goggins Gives Advice on Not Feeling Accepted. “Learn to fit in with yourself! I get a lot of emails from people asking me how to deal with not being accepted. It’s ironic that so many people ask me of all people how to be accepted! Here is my... Read More
Featured image for “If You Can’t Walk, Then F-ing Crawl”

If You Can’t Walk, Then F-ing Crawl

I’ve got bad news for you. You’re going to fail. But I’ve also got good news for you (if you follow SGPT). Once you are down on the ground. You can either lay there and die like a wounded dog 0r… You can crawl your @ss up out of the ditch and back to safety... Read More
Featured image for “SEALgrinderPT Strength Program 4 Basic Lifts”

SEALgrinderPT Strength Program 4 Basic Lifts

Check out these tips and pointers for the SGPT Strength Program 4 Basic Lifts. Dead Lift Back Squat Bench Press Shoulder Press Ground to overhead (GTO) Questions from athletes in our program: Question: Coach Brad; what is a good barbell to get started with lifting? Answer: Good question. Yes; check out this SGPT article that... Read More
Featured image for “Air Force PJs vs Navy SEALs”

Air Force PJs vs Navy SEALs

The Air Force PJ’s are known as Pararescuemen with the PJ standing for Pararescue Jumpers. These guys are part of the Special Operations Command (AFSOC) and Air Combat Command (ACC). Their main job is the recovery and medical treatment of personnel in hostile environments. Their motto is “So that others may live”. Video: Inside Combat... Read More
Featured image for “How to Do Ring Rows”

How to Do Ring Rows

The Ring Row targets the upper back and arms. We use ring rows to balance out our training from push ups. Your ring row max effort should be equal to your push ups. This is an excellent beginner to advanced exercise, weight can be added with a weight vest or ruck. You can increase difficulty... Read More
Featured image for “3 Unique Kettlebell Movements For MMA And Combat Performance”

3 Unique Kettlebell Movements For MMA And Combat Performance

Brandon Richey, B.S., CSCS If you’re reading this I know you’ve been in the same predicament as myself at times with having limited space and equipment to get the day’s training in. Despite this obstacle I’ve found that leveraging the kettlebell for moments like this doesn’t slow progress…but in fact even serves as an upgrade... Read More
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"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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