Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Featured image for “The US Marines Join Hurricane Harvey Rescue Efforts in Their Bada** Amphibious Assault Vehicles”

The US Marines Join Hurricane Harvey Rescue Efforts in Their Bada** Amphibious Assault Vehicles

The US military promised to send more aid to flood-devastated Harvey, Texas, and they delivered–in the form of the US Marines arriving in their AAVs. These tough vehicles are able to operate on land and in water. Also called called “amtracs”, short for “amphibious tractor”, variants were were first used during the Korean, then, most... Read More
Featured image for “What is the Difference Between Sheep, Wolves and Sheep Dogs? (American Sniper)”

What is the Difference Between Sheep, Wolves and Sheep Dogs? (American Sniper)

Just got this question from a SGPT athlete. What is the difference between Sheep, Wolves and the Sheep Dog? You have a choice in life of which one that you want to be. Do you want to do the right thing or do the wrong thing. Or are you oblivious with your head down in... Read More
Featured image for “How Long Do You Hold the Plank Position in SEALFIT’s Kokoro?”

How Long Do You Hold the Plank Position in SEALFIT’s Kokoro?

Just got this question from one of our SGPT athletes. Question: Coach Brad; how long do you have to hold the plank position for in SEALFIT Kokoro? Can you rest on your elbows? Do they really hold the plank for 45 minutes? How can I train for this crucible event? Check out and Sign up... Read More
Featured image for “Let the Rangers Lead the Way Into Some Killer Motivation”

Let the Rangers Lead the Way Into Some Killer Motivation

Check out this awesome tribute video to the US Army’s Rangers, set to “Seven Nation Army” by the White Stripes. How do you plan to crush your goals and gain that 1% towards them? Let us know in the comments below! Check out the video and let us know in comments below SEALGrinderPT SEALGrinderPT Want... Read More
Featured image for “US Navy SEAL David Goggins Gives Insider Tips on Being a True Competitor”

US Navy SEAL David Goggins Gives Insider Tips on Being a True Competitor

Check out this awesome video David Goggins posted on his Facebook page. About getting out there and getting it, Goggins says: “Don’t be the person that looks at the weather report the night before to decide what you are going to do the next day. What that means is don’t be the person who sees... Read More
Featured image for “Why North Korea Would Lose a War With the US”

Why North Korea Would Lose a War With the US

While it seems like the crisis in the North Korean peninsula is worsening, any attempt that Kim Jong-Un would possibly make could be quelled with just a few strikes back from the US. On paper, the public is led to believe that the North Korean military forces are ones to be reckoned with and in... Read More
Featured image for “Principles of Durability”

Principles of Durability

The needs of your training may change in an instant. Imagine you’re feeling healthy and confident, you’re performing the exercises in front of you, and then you’re instantly hit by an injury. One workout you’re in a rhythm, the next you’re faced with the fact that you’re training hasn’t been programmed for a durable body,... Read More
Featured image for “Poll: Should Women be allowed to join the Navy SEALs?”

Poll: Should Women be allowed to join the Navy SEALs?

Do you think that women should be allowed to go through Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL (BUDS) training to become a Navy Frogman? Do you think they can get the job done and not ring the bell and quit? Or do you think that there should be an all women’s league training course instead? What are... Read More
Featured image for “Luce Hero workout”

Luce Hero workout

Luce Hero workout 3 rounds for time 1k run (do not use weight vest for run) 10 muscle ups or 20 dips or 30 pushups 100 air squats Scale as needed Captain Ronald G. Luce, 27, of the U.S. Army Company C, 2nd Battalion, 20th Special Forces Group, headquartered at Jackson, Miss., died August 2,... Read More
Featured image for “RJ Hero workout”

RJ Hero workout

RJ workout 5 rounds for time (RDSFT) 800 meter run 5 rope climbs 15 ft 50 pushups Scale as needed. If you don’t have a rope then do 3 pull ups for every rope climb. Veteran LAPD officer and United States Marine Corps Reservist Sergeant Major Robert J Cottle, 45, was killed by an improvised... Read More
Featured image for “Greg Alia Hero Workout”

Greg Alia Hero Workout

Greg Alia WOD 4 Rounds for Time 23 Russian Kettlebell Swings 53lb (Use dumbbell or sandbag if no KB) 23 Box Jumps 23 Sit-Ups 23 Dumbbell Snatches 35lb (Use KB if no dumbbell or upright rows with a heavy ruck) 23 Goblet Squats 53lb 23 Double-Unders 23 Medicine Ball Cleans 20lb (Use ruck or object close to... Read More
Featured image for “Loredo Hero workout”

Loredo Hero workout

“Loredo” Six rounds for time of: 24 Squats 24 Push-ups 24 Walking lunge steps Run 400 meters Post time to comments. U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Edwardo Loredo, 34, of Houston, Texas, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, was killed... Read More
Featured image for “Kokoro — Tips to Help You Thrive, Not Just Survive”

Kokoro — Tips to Help You Thrive, Not Just Survive

SEALFit Kokoro Camp is not just about the physical beatdown – it is truly a lesson in mental conditioning and toughness. Kokoro is the real deal. I went through Navy SEAL BUD/S Hell Week twice and was a little shocked at the harshness when seeing my first Kokoro. I was glad Kokoro was not watered... Read More

SGPT Interviews Bobby Maximus

We got a chance to catch up with Bobby Maximus, one of the driving forces behind the LALO Maximus. He had some awesome stuff to say, from good workouts to mental toughness. Check out what he had to say below.  SGPT: What’s your background? I know you were LEO, but also what is your athletic... Read More
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"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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