Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Featured image for “Laird Hamiltons Bulletproof coffee recipe”

Laird Hamiltons Bulletproof coffee recipe

Chances are you have heard about Bulletproof coffee in the past year or so. If you haven’t – we are gonna fill ya in. If you know anything about surfing — then you know that Laird Hamilton is legend. He is a bad @ss. Laird surfs the biggest waves in the world. Combine those two... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Giveaway SEALFIT 20X Challenge spot”

SGPT Giveaway SEALFIT 20X Challenge spot

SGPT is giving away a free spot to a lucky candidate for the SEALFIT 20X Challenge on June 24th in Fort Worth, Texas. You must provide your own transportation buy your spot ($400 value) is paid. Contest Rules: #1. Post a 2 minute Youtube video of you training and why you are worthy of winning this... Read More
Featured image for “Amy Eaton: MMA Fighter Profile”

Amy Eaton: MMA Fighter Profile

Kill Cliff is the perfect sport recovery drink for everyone, not just professional athletes. Just because you’re not a pro doesn’t mean you don’t train like one. Alpha Brain has been clinically studied to help healthy individuals support memory, focus, and processing speed. Amy may look like she’s been in the ring a while, but... Read More
Featured image for “How to Avoid the Pain of Regret”

How to Avoid the Pain of Regret

I get a ton of emails every day. Too many of them are from athletes that have the pain of regret. They wished they would have done that “BIG” something but had failed. It could have been playing on the high school football team. Or going into the military. Or pursuing whatever big gnarly dream... Read More
Featured image for “Freak Frog training camp Montana 2017”

Freak Frog training camp Montana 2017

Click HERE For 2018 FreakFrog Montana Information! WHO: SEALgrinderPT WHAT: Freak Frog training camp in Montana. WHY: To be prepared for anything at anytime. WHERE: Big Timber, Montana (address will be sent only to those who register). We have thousands of acres at this camp along with a shooting range. What is it like? It is... Read More
Featured image for “What Do I Do if I Don’t Have Access to a Pool?”

What Do I Do if I Don’t Have Access to a Pool?

just got this question… Coach Brad, what do I do if I don’t have a pool to train for swimming at BUDS? Well, first – if you are serious about training you will find a pool or move closer to a pool. In the mean time – go on a trail run or hike with... Read More
Featured image for “Improve Your Body and Mind with Grinder PT”

Improve Your Body and Mind with Grinder PT

It has been said that hard physical training is a cornerstone for developing mental toughness. But many times we find ourselves without access to a fancy weight room and gymnasium. What is an athlete to do? What if I told you that you have all the resources for a top notch gym right under your... Read More
Featured image for “Navy SEAL Jocko Willink on What Does Discipline Really Mean?”

Navy SEAL Jocko Willink on What Does Discipline Really Mean?

Check out this killer podcast as Navy SEAL Jocko Willink talks about discipline. What does Discipline really mean? #1. Discipline starts with waking up early. #2. It is the root off all good qualities if applied properly daily to your workouts and life. 3. It is about working out everyday to make yourself stronger, faster... Read More
Featured image for “Diamond With a Flaw”

Diamond With a Flaw

Some of you are seeking perfection. You are worried that you will make a mistake. Others will point out your mistakes or small imperfections. Why are you worried about what others think of you? They aint putting groceries on your table. You have to be “YOU” and stand up for what you believe in. Step... Read More
Featured image for “What is a Warrior?”

What is a Warrior?

by @WarriorPoetUS What is a warrior? A warrior is a way of life, a way of thinking, a way of being. Carlos Castaneda says we choose only once, to be warriors or ordinary. We choose only once. Because choosing to be a warrior alters your fundamental approach to life. While others will view everything as... Read More
Featured image for “Memo: SGPT Workouts of the Day are now posted HERE:”

Memo: SGPT Workouts of the Day are now posted HERE:

If you are a SGPT Member and want to access workouts go to the Membership area and look under Workout Here is the link: You must have a password to get into this site as it is for our Members Only. If you are not a SGPT member then get signed up Here for... Read More
Featured image for “Freak Frogman workout results Jean-Michel”

Freak Frogman workout results Jean-Michel

I am really psyched to share the result from Jean Michel after completing the Freak Frogman workout from “Good morning Coach: I completed Freak Frogman. Thank you what a great program I loved it, it was very challenging. Here are my baseline / test out results. In my future workouts I will work on... Read More

SEALgrinderPT Mobility Workouts

Check out this list of mobility workouts to keep your body restored and in top performance. Warming up before any workout is always good to heat up you muscles and clear your lunges. If you click on any link we may get a commission from which helps keep gas in the truck and the... Read More
Featured image for “They Told Me I Could Not Make it through BUD/S”

They Told Me I Could Not Make it through BUD/S

They told me I could not make it through BUDS. You know what…. they were right. I was not able to make it through the first time. I failed out. You could have called me a failure and laughed at me. They did. I can remember every single person to this day that scoffed at... Read More
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with SEAL Grinder's Brad McLeod
To Achieve Your Goals

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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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