Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Featured image for “The Quickest Way to Build Discipline (Which Equals Freedom)”

The Quickest Way to Build Discipline (Which Equals Freedom)

We get daily emails from athletes telling us that they work 12 hour a day jobs. They drive long distance on commutes (1 hour each way). They are on a Navy ship being deployed and don’t have training equipment. STOP! Quit making lame @ss #&cking excuses. You DO have time to train. You DO have... Read More
Featured image for “Cindy Workout – 10-11-16”

Cindy Workout – 10-11-16

Cindy 20 Min AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) 5 pullups 10 pushups 15 squats Post rounds completed to comments. *What question do you have for SGPT? Post it up in comments below and we will answer. Do you want to build a body like a Navy SEAL? Drop fat and build lean muscle? Check... Read More
Featured image for “How I Turned a Massive Failure Into a WIN”

How I Turned a Massive Failure Into a WIN

Many of you know that I failed out of BUDS my first time through. I could have made excuses and blamed others and not taken full responsibility. Anyone can fail at something and then walk away. That shows a lack of Grit – of committment. I knew that I was fully committed to finishing the... Read More

Protected: Trail Run Workout 10-8-16

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.... Read More

IT Band Stretching and Recovery Tips

Check out these videos and tips for stretching your IT band so that you can continue your workouts. The IT band is a multipurpose tendon that runs down the length of the outer thigh, from the top of the pelvis (ilium) to the shin bone (tibia) I personally suffer from a tight IT band and... Read More
Featured image for “Question of the Week: I am always tired in the afternoon, what do I do?”

Question of the Week: I am always tired in the afternoon, what do I do?

Coach Brad, Help me. I am tired all the time, I got great intentions and make a great start but I just cant muster the will to work out after 12 hrs at work. Give me an article on recovery methods for high mileage/deconditioned people. Thanks Zak Answer: Good question Zak. TIP #1 Drink a... Read More
Featured image for “Bring Your own GUTS”

Bring Your own GUTS

Our goal is to bring you the most bad a** tips and insider info on the internet and connect with you to answer questions. We want to help you cultivate your inner warrior and get out there and experience life as a fighter. We love to chase the gnarly stuff and just got done with... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT Healthy Fat Loss Workout & Nutrition Coaching Program”

SGPT Healthy Fat Loss Workout & Nutrition Coaching Program

Do you want to build a body like a Navy SEAL? Lean and mean and ready for anything at anytime? Cut down a few pounds and stop being tired? Want to have extra energy for your workouts? How about losing unneeded unhealthy fat at the same time? Lose 10 lbs of fat? Gain lean muscle?... Read More
Featured image for “Temporary Pain or Everlasting Glory?”

Temporary Pain or Everlasting Glory?

We all make choices in life. In fact we make choices every hour – every minute. We decide how we want to live our life. Do we want to be a little cowering %&#@? Or do we want to be a warrior? It is pretty obvious that our society is moving towards weakness. Look around... Read More
Featured image for “I was once weak and small but here is what I did about it”

I was once weak and small but here is what I did about it

Growing up I was always smaller than most other kids. In high school I weighed in at a whopping 148 pounds soaking wet. When I set my goal to become a Navy SEAL that is when things started to change. You see – I had a dream. To become a SEAL operator and serve my... Read More
Featured image for “Syrian Rebels blows up terrorist with cell phone selfie”

Syrian Rebels blows up terrorist with cell phone selfie

Check out these group of Syrian Army rebels getting together to make a show off video. The music is playing and they are celebrating and everything is all cool. They lose out big time as one of the terrorist idiots takes a selfie —- with a cell phone that is loaded with explosives. You can’t... Read More
Featured image for “SGPT interviews SEALFIT 20X graduate Etienne Tremblay”

SGPT interviews SEALFIT 20X graduate Etienne Tremblay

SGPT: Tell us about yourself? Etienne: My name is Etienne Tremblay, left on the picture, and I am a 36 years old French Canadian from Montreal, Quebec (a.k.a. Frenchy at the 20X!). I have two young boys, 6 and 2-½ years old, and a wonderful wife. I am a legal counsel for a major construction... Read More
Featured image for “Navy sailor sits during national anthem”

Navy sailor sits during national anthem

A United States Navy sailor decides to sit down during the national anthem while she is stationed on a military base in Florida. What do you think? Should she face time in the brig (jail)? Or should she be given a promotion? Post up down below in comments. Who hasn’t at one time or another... Read More

Jerry Workout

Jerry Run 1 mile Row 2k Run 1 mile Advanced: Do 10 rounds of Cindy (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats) immediately after the last run. RELATED ARTICLES: Axe Workout  ... Read More
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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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