Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Featured image for “What is on the Other Side?”

What is on the Other Side?

We are not talking about the after life.. We are speaking of Your current life. What happens when you do the hard work and break through to reach your one Big Goal? Muhammad Ali is quoted as saying… “I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest... Read More
Featured image for “Creativity to Boost the Mind”

Creativity to Boost the Mind

One of the most underrated methods for propelling your own happiness (and others) forward is the ability to create. Creation. Creating something of worth. Writing a love song for your girlfriend or wife to be. Designing a new project for your 3D printer. Spoken word. Writing computer code. Sculpting your own pottery. Mission planning and... Read More
Featured image for “Make Today Matter”

Make Today Matter

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. You have heard that before.. right? Maybe a little cliche to say?… yawn. As Lee Corso would say “Not So Fast My Friend”. Today IS the most important day of your life and it does matter. A lot. A TON! WARNING – MATURE LANGUAGE... Read More
Featured image for “SEALgrinderPT Wall of Fame Testimonials”

SEALgrinderPT Wall of Fame Testimonials

SEALgrinderPT Wall of Fame Testimonials From Paul Fisler (SGPT audio listener): The SGPT audio’s are fantastic, have them on my I-phone, I-touch and I-pad. Also made cd copies to be able to listen to them easier in my truck to and from work. Wished I had found your site earlier. SGPT is reinforcing some of... Read More


What would be a good example of a Pre-SOP in the SEALFIT workout of the day (WOD’s)? Before each training session perform a pretraining SOP. This is the same procedure you would use for a big challenge, it would just take a little more time. Find someplace quiet where you won’t be distracted. Review the... Read More

Is the New Year Giving You FITS?

by Navy SEAL Commander Mark Divine So, if you set a New Year’s resolution, are you sure it is the right target for you to tackle? I have found that it is easy to set pie-in-the-sky goals for the New Year, then watch them fade into the rear view mirror because they were not well... Read More
Featured image for “Green Berets vs Navy SEALs training”

Green Berets vs Navy SEALs training

The US Special Forces go through intense training no matter if your in the Green Berets or training to be a Navy SEAL. Check out the info below with videos and info on how these guys train to become elite forces and go out in search of bad guys. For the Green Berets you have... Read More
Featured image for “How do I Prepare for Special Forces Training? It DEPENDS! By Stew Smith”

How do I Prepare for Special Forces Training? It DEPENDS! By Stew Smith

How do I Prepare for Special Forces Training? It DEPENDS! by Stew Smith, former Navy SEAL and trainer Here is a question I get often concerning the way a person prepares for Special Forces type training programs for both military and law enforcement SWAT teams. My answer is usually, “It depends – Not only on... Read More

The Rocking Chair Test

2013 has been an amazing year filled with ups and downs, triumphs and set backs. It was rewarding to see Lauri Lovvorn knocked off her horse only to battle her way back to fight and win another battle. Athletes like Giancarlo Cefalo train hard – then to be denied of a immediate goal but keep... Read More
Featured image for “Learning to Fail Quicker”

Learning to Fail Quicker

It goes against our gut feeling. We want to succeed – not fail. But in order to move forward sometimes we have to be ok with failure. “Fall down six times, get back up seven” Japanese proverb Learning through our mistakes is often the best teacher. A mistake is not a mistake if you learn... Read More
Featured image for “How to Find Success”

How to Find Success

It is the day before New Years. Reality check here… most of the people on this planet have not written their goals for 2014. How can you find success without goals? The masses are clueless.. a boat without a rudder, compass or destination. But you are different. You are focused and on task. You know... Read More
Featured image for “Front Sight Focus”

Front Sight Focus

By Commander Mark Divine. Each morning you have the opportunity to start your life fresh by taking powerful action to propel you toward your goals. Whether your goal is to defy the odds with a new venture, elevate your career, spend more time with your family or gear up for your next athletic challenge… Success... Read More
Featured image for “Strength Training for Extension”

Strength Training for Extension

Don’t Complicate It…Strength Train For Extension! By Brandon Richey So the other day I was talking to a brand new beginner student of mine who has been complaining about having some shoulder, neck, and hip pain. Naturally I took a look at him and performed a basic assessment to physically take a look at what... Read More
Featured image for “Phony Navy SEAL of the Week”

Phony Navy SEAL of the Week

Phony Navy SEAL of the Week This guy has ripped of $50,000 posing as a fake Navy SEAL. Check it out as Don Shipley takes him down. Do you know of someone who claims to be a Navy SEAL but your skeptical? Get in contact with Don Shipley and he can root them out and... Read More
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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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