Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Featured image for “Push Past the Quit”

Push Past the Quit

Just got back from Canada and training with our northern brothers. These guys blew me away with their “Can Do” attitude and “Lets Go Boys” way of getting it done. No matter that it snowed every day and we had ice on the ground. They were ready to PT and push the limits daily. Check... Read More
Featured image for “Prison Pull Up Workout”

Prison Pull Up Workout

From Joey G: We get asked all the time what workouts that you did when you were in the brig. We usually did a lot of push ups and dips and pull ups and sit-ups. Check out the prison workouts below. In our block we did not have any free weights so we had to... Read More

Mobility workout

MOBILITY WOD + RECOVERY DAY Stretch slow and methodically for 30 min. a Navy SEAL grinder PT workout Drink lots of filtered water arm in front of chest – 5 each arm cow face stretch – 5 each arm wrist stretch – 10 each way wrist rotations – 10 each way Arm circles 10 each... Read More
Featured image for “Endurance Event Tips”

Endurance Event Tips

Team SGPT: Perfect weather out now… so hope your taking those tips on trail running from yesterday and putting them to use. We had a couple of questions on trail running that by answering them.. will help you at GoRuck, Spartan races and SEALFIT Kokoro or any long distance endurance event. Check out the articles... Read More
Featured image for “Epic 20X Challenge in Trenton”

Epic 20X Challenge in Trenton

We were blown away by this past weekend at the SLTC facility in Trenton, Georgia. The bar has been set at a higher level for the next SEALFIT 20X Challenge. If we told you the details – you would not believe us. Helicopters in the fog, riding in military grade Hummers with a flak jacket... Read More

How to Study for BUD/S math test

I failed out of Navy SEAL BUDS training on a math test. I was over half way through and had finished Dive Pool Comp. I was removed from BUDS Class 125 and sent to the fleet Navy for a year and chip paint and swab the deck. Don’t be that guy. I wish I would... Read More

Dare to Dream

Life is short. Why live small? You are destined for greatness and now is the time to live up to it. You gotta have a Dream So Big it will take a Miracle to pull off. Not some small cupcake thought you can easily walk away from – it gotta be a really big gnarly... Read More

GoRuck 60 Training Program now Ready

 Team SGPT: We had so many emails and demand for the 30 Day GoRuck training program – Crazy stuff. So we just put all of our energy into creating a larger Bad @SS 60 Day GoRuck plan. This plan is different in that you get daily workouts emailed to you. Daily Tips on boots, packs,... Read More
Featured image for “Find a Way to Win”

Find a Way to Win

Life is incredibly short. Only a few play #BIG as they realize this daily – they Find a Way to Win. Stop making excuses and playing small. Being the Victim. Today is your day to rebuild yourself and your dreams. We have to work every day to “Find a Way to Win”. You can hear... Read More
Featured image for “How to Make Your Success”

How to Make Your Success

We are well into the new year of 2014. Some athletes have already forgotten about their goals and have let them slip by. Team SGPT is on patrol and hunting down our goals with a vengeance. Yes; we may have had hiccups last year. Hit a minor speed bump or two. But this is the... Read More
Featured image for “Cultivate Your Talent”

Cultivate Your Talent

Your mind and body is like a garden. If you ignore it and abuse it – the weeds will infest. If you pay attention and work hard – It will flourish. The trees will bear edible fruit. Flowers will spring up. Cultivate your talent and YOUR life will change for the better. Find the thing... Read More
Featured image for “GoRuck workout #ONE 2-25-14”

GoRuck workout #ONE 2-25-14

GoRuck Workout #ONE  first do 30 minutes of Navy SEAL grinder PT wrist stretch – 10 each way wrist rotations – 10 each way Arm circles 10 each way Press, press, fling – 10 Up, back and overs – 10 Shoulder pass throughs with pole – 10 Hip swivel kicks forward – 15 each leg... Read More

Burner workout 2-14-13

“The Burner” 25 box jumps (24 inch box) 15 wide pushups 200 meter sprint – sub 12 meter touch and go sprints if inside 25 double unders (or 125 jump ropes or 25 walking lunges) 15 knee to elbows (KTEs) then… Yoga cobra stretch – 10 Yoga frog stretch – 10 minutes Yoga downward dog... Read More
Featured image for “One Way Ticket”

One Way Ticket

History is loaded with infamous battles where there was no turning back. After Cortes landed in Mexico he spoke 3 words which would change the history of the New World. “Burn the boats.” This spoken com­mand left his men with only two decisions – either die in battle or crush their way to victory. Check... Read More
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Work 1-on-1
with SEAL Grinder's Brad McLeod
To Achieve Your Goals

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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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