Archive: Daily SGPT Content

Featured image for “Beginner CrossFit Pull-Up Tips”

Beginner CrossFit Pull-Up Tips

Pull-ups can be a make or break event in the gym. Those that know how and practice excel in CrossFit workouts. Those that flounder at first just need a little bit of extra work. You’re only a few tips away from improving your pull ups and and finishing that WOD in style. Check out the... Read More
Featured image for “5 Tips to Break in Your Boots”

5 Tips to Break in Your Boots

Once a month we get an email asking “Coach, how do I break in my boots for the upcoming GoRuck event?”. Stand in the door young trooper and get ready to check out “5 Tips to Break in Your Boots”. Tip #1 Wear your boots around the house or out to the supermarket. Next day... Read More
Featured image for “Expect the Unexpected”

Expect the Unexpected

When things get tough, what do you do? Many of us live a cushy life and are not sure how we would perform. Try this – Get in an uncomfortable situation to see how you perform under pressure. You can do anything you set your mind to. So what if your a little tired? Every... Read More
Featured image for “What Can We Learn From MMA?”

What Can We Learn From MMA?

The sport of MMA has done nothing but gone up in popularity recently. To some it is repulsive with its blood and violence. To others it is study in the human condition and what it takes to overcome an adversary or opponent. What can we learn from MMA to apply to our lives? Learn the... Read More
Featured image for “How to Get a Strong Core and Strong Body”

How to Get a Strong Core and Strong Body

If your want your body to be strong – then you need your core to be strong. You cannot have one without the other. This article will show you ways to train your body and core to be strong from the inside out, which will generate high value returns in all of your workouts. The... Read More
Featured image for “What Are You Attracted To?”

What Are You Attracted To?

Do You Dream of Doing Great things with Your life? Don’t make the decision to be average. Be Allergic to Average   Don’t go against who you are. Dont operate at 70 percent. Are you living up to YOUR potential? Push Yourself to Be Great Check out this video – listen to it like an audio.... Read More
Featured image for “300 Workout”

300 Workout

The “300 workout” is a high-intensity strength and conditioning workout that gained popularity after it was used to train the cast of the movie “300” for their physically demanding roles as Spartan warriors. The workout was designed by Mark Twight, a renowned strength and conditioning coach. The original “300 workout” consists of a series of... Read More
Featured image for “SEALgrinderPT 7-22-13”

SEALgrinderPT 7-22-13

Special Forces swim workout #5 first do 30 minutes of Navy SEAL grinder PT wrist stretch – 10 each way wrist rotations – 10 each way Arm circles 10 each way Press, press, fling – 10 Up, back and overs – 10 Shoulder pass throughs with pole – 10 Hip swivel kicks forward – 15... Read More
Featured image for “How Do YOU Deal with Risk?”

How Do YOU Deal with Risk?

Whether we realize it or not. We all need a little risk in our life. No saying we need to play “chicken” with a freight train – but acceptable risk – pushing boundaries – can have a big impact on your brain and body (in a good way). How do you deal with Risk? Do... Read More
Featured image for “3 Tips for Intermediate Athletes to Improve Pull-Ups”

3 Tips for Intermediate Athletes to Improve Pull-Ups

In the first lesson we helped beginners get started with pull-ups. If you missed it — Check out the 3 Tips to Help Beginners. Tip #1 Establish you baseline. Knock out as many pull ups as you can. Use your lats (lattisimus dorsi muscle). When you drop down to the bottom engage the lat but... Read More
Featured image for “What Does Amazing Look Like?”

What Does Amazing Look Like?

Team SGPT: On vacation all week – really having a blast and still connecting daily with the SGPT crew and hearing their successes and dreams and break throughs. What goals are you accomplishing this week? Moving forward 1 percent weekly. Love it. Check out this video of my Man – E.T. – listen to it... Read More
Featured image for “Navy SEAL Workout at the Beach”

Navy SEAL Workout at the Beach

Team SGPT: Down at the beach all week for July Fourth weekend. I tried to hit a workout at a CrossFit gym – $20 drop in rate too expensive for my blood. Plus too far to drive. We don’t need a gym anyways as were gonna hit some cool workouts on the beach ev-e-r-y day.... Read More
Featured image for “Suspension Trainer Exercises”

Suspension Trainer Exercises

If your looking for a killer way to get in shape and exercise – then you need to check out a suspension trainer. This device consist of adjustable straps and hand grips or leg straps that enable you to workout and exercise anywhere at anytime. Suspension trainer exercises are an excellent method to work the... Read More

5 Tips for Navy SEAL Training

Navy SEAL training (or Basic Underwater Demolition / SEAL (BUD/S) as it is known) is not for the weak in body or spirit. Take a tip from someone who went thru BUD/S – and served as a Navy SEAL and spent 10 and a half months at BUD/S, this training is more demanding than anything you will... Read More
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Personal fitness training from Brad McLeod, Navy Seal and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. Delivered online, directly to you.

"I recommend Brad to anyone that seriously wants to go to BUDs or anything else in life... try these workouts. Hooyah!" - Chris H.

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